
Thursday, August 27, 2020

100WC - Week# 48 - Alex

 In a very remote place in the antarctic slightly submerged in the water were icebergs float by and get dangerously close to the building, 

“Fred it could be confirmed that polar bears are extinct” murmurs Fred’s father 

“No” shouts Fred

“Look daddy”.

As Fred's father turns round he sees a polar bear stranded on an iceberg, shock fills Fred’s father,

then as the iceberg floated closer and closer then, Bang, the ice berg had hit the building 

then they heard the polar bear moaning down stairs ¨AAAAHHHHH RUN!!!¨ shouts Fred ¨Its ok Freddy ¨ answers Fred's father ¨ It's ok ¨

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

100WC - - Emily


Me and Samara were playing and jumping on the 

Ice. When the ice broke 

 ‘Ahhhhhhhh!!! Emily, help! help! help  me! I don't like water please i’m scared I hate water and you know that! Please I will die out here please!!!’’ 

I’m  laughing my head off.

 ‘Stop laughing and help me Emily help! The water is very cold here! And I will die from  how cold it is.’ 

The ice broke then Samara fell in the water.

 ‘Ahhhhhhhhh!. Emily come here and help me!’ 

‘Just swim and you will be fine.’ 

Then I walk away because she was being ridiculous. 

The end

Monday, August 24, 2020

100WC- Week #48 William


 I hear a deep rumble. I looked up and saw a tidal wave of thick white snow tumbling down towards me and then I feel something hit head and I see darkness

When I wake up my vision is blurry. Me on a 2 metre long iceberg in the middle of the ocean.

 My head is throbbing intensely so when I see a penguin I think I'm hallucinating because penguins are only in antarctica. Wait, I'm in antarctica!!. Thousands of Kilometres from my home. In the arctic.

I must have been knocked out for days if I got this far.

100WC - - Chloe Old

 “Hay what is that in the distance is that a polar bear”

 “hay their the my name is peet I am going to make that poler bear in to a nice mat”.

 “You can’t do that he is to cute”

 “not in my world little boy now get out of my way”

 “no i’m not letting you hurt it he is my pet”

 “a poler bear is your pet on a ice berg”


“what is it’s name”


 “bob I like the name now call it”. 

“Here bob bob bob”

“Good boy”

“I like it you can keep it”

100 WC#Week 48


“Hi im Jacob Yup thats me im a polar bear!”

“Your probably wondering how i got here!”

“It all began when i was with my friends”

“Then a snow blizzard came along!”

“While i was playing i tried to run but then the ice i was on broke!”

“So here i am stranded!”

“Well it is pretty CHILLY though haha”

“And im really cold”

“SooooOO Maybe you could throw me a blanket!”

“Oh wait thats right im stuck”

“But if you see my pretty please give me a blanket!”

“Because its extremely cold even though i have furr!”

“So thank you this is my story of being stranded to death!”

100WC - Week #48 Jeremy

 Crack! The iceberg chips ever so slightly, I move cautiously backwards to not unbalance it. Human waste has destroyed everything: my home, my friends and my family. “I may be the last polar bear on earth, but I can’t give up, not now.” The Human waste thoughts come back to my mind every time I move a single muscle, my children, my friends. They’re all… gone. I decided to jump straight into the water, to the few ice glaciers left afloat. The ice cold water sent a shiver throughout my whole body. While I was swimming around. I thought I caught a glance of one of my species.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


 Once I was fishing on the cold sea then I spotted a cute grizzly bear.

It was on a big gigantic piece of ice and was floating away. So I decided

to see if I could help it then. When I got to it then it started to try to come to

me as well so i went closer. Hello i said pating the bear as it licked me and i

could tell that it liked me so. I tied the roap onto the ice then pilled it. When

we got to shore it ran away then i spotted a ...

100WC - Week #48 - Milah

 Wet, Melting ice below my paws.  There is no escape. The ice is melting by seconds and I'm surrounded by water. I have to think of something, QUICK. I see silhouettes coming towards me in the distance. I started to growl to see if I could catch their attention, Luckily… It did!. Closer and closer it came…. Until it was right next to me, but you could not believe it, they just took pictures of me and left, typical tourists. Now all i can see is my family on the other side of the horizon.

The ice melts and melts and melts. To nothing….

100WC - Week #48 - Madison

I stood there, on my boat wondering what to do.

But come on, what do you do if you see a polar bear standing on an ice cube growling.  So I decided to ring the phone at my base back on land.

‘Hello Madison speaking’ says my friend Madison.

‘Hi, there is a polar bear stuck on an ice cube about…’ I turn to look at base camp. ‘I don’t know 200m away, maybe?’

No answer.

‘You there?’


‘I said there is a pol-’ I start to say, when suddenly splash! something jumped into the water.

‘Seriously! Never mind’ I say.

100WC - #48 Mia Hyde

How on earth am I supposed to get back to land? I´m stranded on a simple piece of ice in the middle of nowhere! 

¨GROWL!!” Said the stranded white polar bear.

 Maybe if I growled loud enough, someone might hear me and come and rescue me!

 So the polar bear growled again, this time louder. But it was no use...Wait...what is that thing that is in the water? Oh! Is that a boat? How are the people breathing under water?

 The boat rises higher and someone pulled the polar bear up onto the boat... zombies! Run!!!!

100WC- Week 47 - Bailee

 Have you ever been so excited that you think you might faint?

Well that is what is happening to me right now.

Mum decided to book a holiday for the whole family.  But she couldn’t decide where to go so she asked me to choose. Dad had suggested just about all the countries in the world so I was stripped for answers.  Then I had the most wonderful idea, “ We should go to Antarctica.” I yelled “Imagine frozen water, and we could even visit a school down there. I heard they don’t have  rubber. Mum’s considering it. 

Will we be allowed to go...   

100wc - week #48 - ELLA


As the ice starts to break I get more frightened and then I start floating away on a meadom size of ice on top of the water. I started to get sad and scared and worried. I realised i would starve because I have no fish to eat but then I realised I could just catch the fish out of the sea.  Then a shark had a fight with me and I won and that is my dream. Wow that really was your dream sed jack yes it really was my dream sed tom thanks for sharing your dream Tom.

 I am still in minecraft. but i am a minecraft polar bear. i am on a piece of ice. So HELP HELP

HELP!!!!!! Me please anyone there please. I see some one hey you. Yes you please help me. so let me tell u how I became. I was in a battle but got knockout by a evil which then I woke up on this ice so that is how I became a minecraft polar bear. I am hungry please feed me. I know I eat fish but I want cookies. Please okay Go bye now!

100WC - Week #48 - Kenneth

 There I was, stuck on an iceberg, waves tingling. Cold shivering throughout my body, I only had a split second to make it, but I was distracted. Waves of cold water thrashed against my iceberg, I never thought looking for fish in the water would end up like this. I stood there, paralyzed at the thought of being lost at sea. Would I ever get to see my babies back at home? I put those thoughts aside, I used as much force as I could to swerve the iceberg around. I spin around to see my beautiful babies at land.

100WC - Week #48 - Joe

 Ok I'm in this cage on a plane i think and I fought I heard people saying i'm moving to a new zoo. BOOM! AH What the- BOOM! AHH what's going on?! The captain started talking...Uh attention people I have to say that we are about to crash please put on your oxygen masks. Thank you! Oh no what's- AHHH boof! Oh now I remember what happened. Now how do I get out of here? Um uh ah! There's an island I'm saved! Ah I made it to the island! And there's bears here too. This is better than a zoo!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

100wc -week # 47 Carla

 Once i was at the snow for winter but it turned out that the snow was ice.

We just brok the ice then swam in it because if we didnt there was no point

of going. Then i got in the frozen water ice but first i striped the ice . Then i got

excited that we swam in the water for the first time. Then my legs were so cold

that my legs were felt like rubber so i desited to swim around a little bit ton warm

my self up then ahhhhhh help someone is grabbing me help someone.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

100WC - Week #47 Jeremy

  Beep Beep Beep by the second

The sound of the radar system annoys me 

I call the captain “Sir! “What? “When are we going to reach our destination?

“In a few more hours, trust me this will be the greatest discovery of your life”

“Yay im excited

(A few hours later) 

Our submarine detected something of monumental size; it towered over our sub and it was in a cave?

How could something so big fit inside a cave?

It casted a massive shadow over our sub and the automatic lights turned on 

We went through the underwater cave and saw it a titanic beast of a shark a goliath

It towered over us 

“But I thought the megalodon was the biggest shark” 

“This is a megalodon.”

“ big is it?

“Estimates say 128 meters minimum”


“Yes anyways wanna feel it? 


“Ok then FIRE!

3 torpedo's wizz past the water at dangerously high speeds and collide the ice 

BOOM a hole opens up

We surface, then I go to the massive shark its striped 

It frozen solid “Yep been here for millions of years 

I feel its skin it feels like rubber but that's when its eye looked at me

Monday, August 17, 2020

100WC - Week #47 - Joe


Today I was going to the WATER park. I was really EXCITED at first but then it got scary. I was wondering if the water would freeze because of how cold it is today. When I got there it was normal but when I got in the water IT STARTED TO GET FROZEN! I got a dum idea though I fought it would break if I threw a RUBBER band at it but it did not do the trick. I tried STRIPED myself but it did not work. I think i'm stuck. HELP ME PLEASE!! I'M STUCK IN A MINI POOL!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

100WC - Week #46 - Emily

Bang! I woke up 

We need to get out of here quickly as we can ok.  get out of bed now.

My mum said with fear on her face. 

What happened mum, what's wrong.  

The war has begun. We need to get out of here. Where's sis and dad?

They're in the hideout ok.  

Bang! It went again.

We have no time, let's  go. As I hope out of bed I hear people 

Running in to our house. 

Okay we need to get to the hideout before they find us

Okay lets go now okay. M...m...mum.

Yes, here, upstairs 

Bang! Mum 

but when I looked behind me…

100WC - Kenneth - Week #46

 My Friends and I were exploring this mansion. We decided we should stay in a straight line the whole way through. When we just entered the doors slammed shut. That made us freak out for a split second. We all trail behind each other until I heard a faint scream. But when I looked behind me… nothing was there. All that left was a note, “I'm watching you.” It said. I started to run back till I heard feet meeting the ground. I started to panic so in a quick move I rushed towards a room. I saw feet entering.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

100WC - Week #46 - Madison

I was walking in my front door with my dog, it was a hot day so I left my door open. 

I went into the kitchen and started to unpack my bag.

‘Knock, knock’

Wait… didn’t I leave my door open?  If someone knocked then they would have had to come inside!

The kitchen was just in front of the door, so I thought I better see who it was. Wait… It might be the grocery man ‘cause I ordered online this week. but when I looked behind me there was nobody there.

‘Hello… is anybody there?’ says the voice...


100WC - Week #46 - Alex

                                                                         Home alone.

Wide awake in the dead of night,

listening carefully to the sound of the odd car go by.

Then… Bang Crack.

I fling myself up sitting still as a stick,

I gently whisper to myself “ it’s a dream ”.

I get out of bed and stray down the stairs quietly walk down the stairs,

 trying to avoid the creaky stair,

I slowly turn the corner and look into the kitchen

I focus my eyes on the to see a if there is an entroder,

Then I feel someone breathing down my neck,

but when I looked behind me GGRRRR.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

100WC - week #46 - Ella

         Bang but when i looked behind me 

There was nothing there so i ran inside and got some noodles and milk and then i went to my lounge and started eating my food and drinking my drink and it happened again the big bang for a second i thought it was a ghost. But no it was not a ghost i… i… i   i know what this feeling is i don't know why this is happening to me i am scared and water started coming out of my eye slowly and hits my soft cold dry cheek  what is happening to me and just then i heard a voice the voice sed to me that i am experiencing the feeling called sadness then  the voice went away what is sadness???


100WC - Week #46 - Charlie

 I was in a car speeding down the road with my friends jack and Brae.Then  we all hear a big siren coming behind then we seed down a side road.We  hoped out of the car but when I looked behind me there was two police officers right there what do yo think you where doing boys. “just going for a drive around the block. then going home OK bye drive safely said the officer. We all got home safely when we got home the police was there waiting for us we got out of the car and went inside. 

100WC - Week #46 - Joe

 CIRCUS TRIP PART 2… AHHH Boof! Ow my head where am i?! Oh you made it! Said max. Glad you could make said camp teacher. Look while I was out getting water. I saw a circus in the distance where we can be safe there. Alright let's go, said bob. Ok were here at the circus let me get us some sodas since you must be thirsty. Ooo a clown let's go inside that tent! Ok be careful. Yes we wil..l?  But when I looked behind me..AHHH!! OOO I just love children hehe haha! YOU WILL BE MY DINNER TONIGHT!! NOO

100WC - week #46 - hannah

 I was walking with my friend and we were talking just about school work. As we were walking we heard footsteps behind my friend and I. We carried on walking, I then heard heavy breathing..But when I looked behind me nothing was to be seen. All of a sudden I couldn't see my friend anywhere. I started to freak out. I didn't know what to do. So I started yelling his name ‘Where are you? It's not funny! Come out.’ I looked behind me and saw a man in black.

100WC - Week #46 - Carla

Oh no there was a guy chasing me because i was in his

property trying to find some grass for my hamsters they needed

a bed so then he was running after me ... but when i looked behind me…

i saw him not trying to get me any more so i just started to walk along the

streets trying to find my house but then i looked behind me again because

i heard running coming from behind me i looked and he was running full

speed so i quickly ran as fast as i could then. Oh no please help!

Monday, August 10, 2020

100WC - Week #46 - Jeremy

 A mortar shell went boom! Right next to our trench.I reached for my gun.

I told the lieutenant to tell my family I love them,he promised.


“Yea im fine” I say as I put the magazine in my gun.



“For my family,for America” 

I pop my head out with the sniper and I spot some enemy soldiers. I pulled the trigger, BANG! The bullet whizzed past the moist rain 

It hit somebody in the Hip 

I reloaded my gun. I fired “2 down” and kept going like that “3 down” “4 down” “5 down” I came back inside to talk to lieutenant

He said he regretted smack talking me and said he would promote me to corporal. I agreed.

 I was just eating my canned bacon when I decided I wanted to go outside. I grabbed my stuff and made sure there was nothing outside in this bloody wet wasteland.

I heard a gun reload. I thought it was our commander or lieutenant ,but when I looked behind me…

Sunday, August 9, 2020

100WC - Week #46 - Milah

                                              All we hear is: “Trick or treat” “trick or treat”.

We ring on each doorbell on our street and get loads of lollies. Then there is the house where nobody goes too. People call it the “haunted house.” Me and my friend just stood at the door and we were holding everybody else up. One kid yelled “it's called a haunted house” “go inside”

All of us open the door. The door lets out a slight creak.we all walked inside the house. The floorboards squealing. The lights flickering.

Everybody was gone. ..But when I looked behind me.. 

I knew why.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

100WC - Week #44 - Emily

"You realy" "yes I am and I very excited" O and by the way guys Ive  entered  in for president. I know it's exciting. I just can't wait until I can say my speech in front of everyone and even a camera so I get to go TV. Am so excited for tonight. OK in the car I go. (song) I Got my speech card in my pocket ya ya. Drive away in my car. Park up and say my speech oooo ya. OK wow it's a big crow. Just make them laugh. Emily your turn. Hi everyone my name Emily and if you vote for me there will be a joke every day like.  why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road  (Why?) it was stuck in a crack. Then the crowd erupted with laughter.           

Monday, August 3, 2020

100WC - Week #44 Alex

“Where is the chicken nugget” he said sternly to the people in McDonalds “What chicken nugget” they reply 
“I got the ten piece but I got NINE CHICKEN NUGGETS!!! Then the crowd erupted with laughter.
“Sorry sir but” they stop, thinking of an excuse “but what” the customer says says “ I got the ten piece but I got nine so give me one more” “ummm” the Mcdonald's people stammer “ummm, We’ll give you a discount” they blert out, “ok “how much” he replies “ a dollar off everything” they say annoyed then everyone in Mcdonald’s says give us a discount please”.

100WC - Week #44 - Milah

People were gathering up for the circus. Backstage was crazy. Toot Toot, Honk Honk, Bang, Crash. 

The tent was filled up with thousands of people who wanted to watch the amazing circus that was coming all the way from rome.

       “Welcome, everyone.” says the host

        “I present to you, the amazing circus from rome!!!!”

        Butterflies rumbling up in my stomach. People started shouting out, “boohoo” “why did i waste my money on this?”

Oh-no im the funny clown, what if i ruin the whole show?

It's my turn… I started goofing around ...Then the crowd burst into laughter...

100WC - Week #44 - Madison

The elephant was at a show and was going to speak...

Ha! Elephants don’t do comedy shows

Can’t wait to see this!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

The crowd was laughing because they thought that

the idea of an elephant doing a comedy talk was silly.

Right, everybody listen up, we will now have Elle the Elephant come

up and speak,said the giraffe judge.

The elephant walked onto the stage and started to


Why did the dinosaur cross the road?” said the

elephant, “Because the chicken called in sick!

Then the crowd erupted with laughter...

100WC - Week #44 - Kenneth Collins

I stare out into the vast waves of heads, this is my moment. If I muck up, I’ll be embarrassed for the rest of my life. Known as Jack, the clown. I take a deep breath, and step out. The crowd goes silent, I make the performance. But then I fell over onto the stage, then the crowd erupted with laughter. I was a laughing stock, everyone was crying tears of laughter. That day stayed with me my whole life, I still have flashbacks of that day. The sounds of everyone making fun of me. I was Jack the clown.               

100WC - Week #44 - Charlie

A few months ago the prime minister announced that we were going into lock down. All the teachers were getting ready that night for us to do a lot of work while we were at home.  with our mum and sitting around the table doing homework. My Dad was out doing lots of work because he was a sentrol worker because then that day the prime minister announced that we were coming out of lock down then the crowd erupted with laughter. Everyone was so happy that night . that morning everyone was at school that morning we needed to hand sanitizer  all the time