
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

100WC - Week #35 - Milah

Splosh, sploosh, splash. Goes the mud as I walk through it. I'm walking to the blue pond. My favourite place. I'm taking my dog, molly. Woah! A few alligators here today!. There are a lot of alligators here in florida.
“Ruff, ruff”
“Calm down molly, and be careful.”  I wanna stay far away because if an alligator comes, the wont stop.
STOMP. Who is that???. 
“ARRrrRrrGGgggggHHHhhhhHhhhh” I scream. 
I stumble and fall in the water. Alligators surrounding us. 

Rope around my legs, so tight, it hurts. Since my hands are still free I try to pull off the mask.

Monday, May 25, 2020

100WC - Week #35 - Joe

What is this place? It is beautiful. I could have a swim right now! Here I go! Splash! AH Too cold too cold. I can see beautiful trees and a waterfall. This is the perfect place to be at! Im living here forever . Prr oooh my stomach is hungry! Ooo some fish in the water. RRR RA RA! Mm Yummy food! I'm so good at this. Where should I sleep at night?  Ooo over there. Zzz Next morning… Ahh What a nice day I better have a swim. Splash! Ahh the waterfall is  making me come down! AHH SPLASH! WOO!

100WC - Week #35 - Charlie

This dog is down in the river with his owner. There are lots of trees just beside the river, and there are lots of rocks in the distance. The dog is a dark orange. The water is very calm. All the grass is very dead. It is very shady  and there is a big patch of blue in the sky. All the trees are dead. I think it might be in the South Island. The dog is a very big and a ittle bit small. Dogs like water alot.  The person who took the dog is very good and nice.

100WC - Week #35 - Chloe

¨Buddy  where are you?” Oh no i´ve lost him. “Coco come here”  No i've lost her to what is Mum going to say.””Hey kid what are you doing in the woods?” “FOX!! run Coco””hey i just want to”” eat us.””No I want to help””no you what to help then eat us””No I would like to help”one chance””ok””Buddy i do not trust this fox.””Coco can you please gave her one chance?””ok”here is my lake” “wow it is so cool””water I’ll just drink it.””Coco we should go home”“thanks.”

100WC - week #35 - Ella

Me and my dog went for a walk one day. Suddenly there was a big bang it sounded like my dad's gun. I yelled  ¨dad!   DAD!! DAD!!!!” I didn't see dad anywhere. I thought dad was dead for a second!! He might not hear me i don't know…. but i was scared, then i realised mack was gone. Ohh no mack! I yell ¨MACK!!!!!!!¨  ¨I found him¨ said DAD ¨dad i thought you were dead and i was lost¨ i said ¨ No silly¨ said dad ¨i am not dead but i found mack i was lost as well¨


100WC - Week #35 - Mia

Wow! This place is beautiful!” I say to my  sister. It was Sunday afternoon, and my sister had taken me to a beautiful lake. “Woof!” There was also a  puppy there! It was the best place I had ever been. There were tall brown trees with no leaves, leaning over the beautiful dark blue lake. There were clumps of rocks sitting in the lake,  the water flowed calmly. The dog was standing underneath a tree, on a rock, looking over at the lake. 
“Wow…” I repeated, “This place is amazing!” I sit down as the soft wind flowed onto my face.

100WC - Week #35 - Kenneth

It was a spectacular day to go outside, wonderful for playing some fun fetch. Jet the owner however, thought otherwise. He wanted to hit some sick stunts, and post them on youtube. Speedy, the dog waited for his owner to grab his leash and bring him to the park. But then he just left and shut the door, carrying his skateboard. He sat there, waiting for his owner to bring him to the park. The owner came back, with a cast. Speedy thought he had hurt himself. But then Jet took him to the park, and threw a ball for him to chase.

100WC - Week #35 - Samara

It was a sunny morning, me and my dog Chocolate  went down to the river side.
Trying to take my mind off what happened to my cat, He had just got run over by a car on the weekends.
When Chocolate saw the river he seemed to be sad.  
I wonder what was wrong when I realised, I took Chocolate and Lexi  here to play every morning. 
Chocolate was sitting down and whining. 
 I didn’t like to see him upset,  it just made me feel sick. 

Trying to cheer him up, I walked over and sat down next to him.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

100wc - week 35 - Carla

The river looks like it is very cold and it looks very beautiful with the big rocks sitting in the river. With the trees hanging over the river and all of the plants on the side of the river. The hills in the backround look beautiful because they have snow on the top and some hills dont have snow which it cool. The dog looks like it is looking at a bird or a leaf falling down from a tree because it is Autumn and all  the leafs are turning into a different colour like red, orange, and yellow  leafs


It was just me  trying to find the dead body of  an Egyptian man. If I did, I would get an endless supply of dog food for myself.  Now it was time to hunt I dag so many holes but nothing still nothing it doesn't look like I'm going to get that endless supply food I should have just stayed in my little home in the backyard of my owners house but then out of one of the holes I dag came a mummy  raped in toilet paper so I took a bite of the paper and dragged it to the museum and I got my supply of dog food.   

100WC - Week #35 - Madison

As I was walking along I saw a dog and it was standing
on the edge of the bank watching something under the
What is it looking at?’ I thought.
All of a sudden the dog jumped into the water and
then jumped out again.
What on earth?” I said aloud.
Huh?” said my sister looking at her phone.
Nothing,” I said.
The dog jumped back in again, and out, and in.
Where did the dog go?’ I thought.

All of a sudden I heard a muffled YELP!! coming
from under the water...

Thursday, May 21, 2020

100WC-week#34 Hayden

I was going for a walk on the farm and  the sky was blue. I saw my old tree house. “ I forgot about that tree house” I said. 
I decided I was going to climb it. I walked through all the overgrown grass to get to the tree house. I was finally at the ladder I started climbing. I got to the top and walked into the tree house. The first thing I saw was  a big  box with a green leaf on it. The box was sitting on a chair and I opened it up. There was a racoon in it!!! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

100WC - Week #34 - Milah Hood

The sky was clear tonight. A leaf  fell on my windo-.
𝕊ℂℝ𝔸𝕋ℂℍ 𝕊ℂℝ𝔸𝕋ℂℍ 𝕊ℂℝ𝔸𝕋ℂℍ goes something outside my window.  
I am going to INVESTIGATE!. I said in my head like an idiot. BANG!.  Goes the chair  as i walk into is. 
Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up” I say to myself. I look through the ranchlighter, its the box. I open the door as quietly as i could so i would not scare this creature (and my parents) . 
I tiptoed out outside on the cold concrete. I reach the box. I slightly open it…
“Ahhhh!” I scream “RACOON!”

100WC - Week #34 - Joe

WOO!! This is fun. I'm flying bro in the sky! I'm going a little bit down to the ground. WOO-Ahh stupid leaf! AHh boom! Ah my head, wait where am I??... uh hello?... omg this is so spooky! Uhh what the heck why is there a chair in the middle of nowhere.  Hissss..AHH A RACOON! Wait oh comn it ran well it's scared then. Hey a house I should ring someone. Uhh there's nothing, all there is just a stupid box! Oh comn Well I'm out! Ok where to now? Hmm O a ladder that's my way out!! Hopefully

100WC - Week #34 - Chloe Old

¨Good night!” Bang ! Crash! ¨who's there? what are you doing in the rubbish bin you cheeky racoon? I´m going to name you Fred. Iĺl get you a fresh apple. Come, no Fred youŕe going to school with me.¨ I sit on my chair, ¨shhh we are going to get caught here¨ Ding, ding goes the bell. ¨Kids it is lunch¨.¨ Here fred you can hide in the box. Here is some food.¨ ¨Im back Fred, lets go home.¨ There is a leaf coming from the sky and it has a note on it and it says come and find Fred.

100WC - week #34 - Ella

As I walk outside I hear something whistling. As i look up i see a box falling down, so i move out the way and the box hits the ground. There was a leaf on the box .So I opened it and  it was a little chair and then I heard the whistling . It was another box that landed and it had a leaf like the other box  .So i opened the box and there was a baby racoon in the box .And it was so cute and fluffy and it was sleeping.  I was so happy and surprised yay.

100WC-Week# 34 Alex

¨ What¨ I mutter to myself ¨Who did this¨ there were Racoon carcasses hung up on the and the walls of the tunnel. In grief I walked around, in the center of the tunnel was a box,? then… it  opened slowly,when it was fully opened there was just a leaf, so I pressed on. I walked only two meters before hearing something being bashed into the ground, something  wooden, then there were splinters in front of me  and oblivious  to the broken chair. As I reached the end of the tunnel the sky was black,fright filled my body

100WC-Week #34-Aiden

There was this day when a box came out of the sky and as it was falling I could hear something rattling inside  BANG! It fell on the ground everyone around me stopped as they heard the box CREEK open and something was inside. We all hid as a racoon came out of the box, Wow we all said it was just a racoon. BOOM! The box exploded and something was coming for us. Leaves were falling out of a tree, one leaf fell and shattered  it was like a piece of ice. Everything that the army touched would shatter to pieces or turn into a massive monster.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

100WC - Week #34 - Madison

I was sitting on a chair in the woods, it was a clear day and the sky was blue.                                                             I saw a box sitting under a tree, so I went and I saw a racoon curled up inside it.                                                 Why is there a racoon curled up inside a box in the middle of nowhere? I thought.                                               Just at that moment a leaf floated down from the tree and landed on the racoon.                                                   Then the racoon jumped up in fright and ran away, well that was odd, I thought.                                                         I walked back to find that my picnic was gone.                 What? I thought.                                               

100WC - Week #34 - Emily

Today we are going to skydive ya it will be so fun. We will be in the sky.” Let’s go”                              “ok mum”                                                                                                                                                “ just take out the trash”                                                                                                                                “fine i go “                                                                                                                                             hate takeing  out the trash. A racoon hey get out of there you stupid racoon.                                           “What took you so long”                                                                                                                                       “ there was a stupid racoon that’s what mum”                                                                                                “ ok ok  just go get a box to put this in  and then we will go  “                                               “ok”There the box.                                                                                                                                         “Here it is do I put this in “                                                                                                                      “yes I will be in the car OK”                                                                                                                          “ok”    wow there a lot of leaf piles                                                                                                             “ya let’s go”                                                                                                                                            “I know I am caming “   

100WC - Week #34 - Samara

My Dad  had just bought Chinese, we were sitting down  on the couch watching a movie that’s  how we always spend our Friday nights.                         
“Alisa!” My dad said while sitting in his CHAIR “Can you please put my BOX in the bin!”
“OK.” I replied
I grabbed his box and my rubbish, then  went outside.
It was really cold  and  I could hear  something rattling in  the bin….. 
“A RACCOON!!” I screamed
The raccoon ran up a tree, a LEAF fell from the SKY.
“Oh on….” Me and my dad forgot it was fall.

Leaves slowly fell from the sky……...

Monday, May 18, 2020

100WC - Week #34 - Charlie

WE just came out level 3 and we are back at school. I was sitting in a chair and we were talking about covid 19. Let's go out for a game, says Mrs Horan we ran out the door. look at the blue sky, says Alex.  1 leaf just went into  my face. There is a big box just sitting there on the ground can you please take that box
back to class said Mrs Horan  Look there is a raccoon it was in the tree. We went back into class and did some more work.It is almost the end of the day.All the adults are at school now?

100WC - Week #34 - Jeremy

It's killing everything that looks at its face.It already killed 2 of my men. “What do you want with me? Says an unknown person “What were you doing at the point of the containment breach? I answer back he responds with the sky shining on him“I was in the cafeteria when I heard scp-096 breached containment, I hid under the table, it's a miracle i'm still alive” *I pull my chair in *
“Hmm OK then then how did scp-96 get enraged huh? “The only way he can get enraged is if someone looked at his face * Pause*(Now if your wondering how we got here let me show you) 

                                                       17 hours earlier 

Scp-096 was being contained at [REDACTED] In Iceland, he was hid in a steel box 6 inches thick when a slight dent was found at the northern side of the cube nobody thought about it being a breach yet did they know this was the worst 096 containment breach in the foundations history the cube broke and 096 breached everyone looked at him, then he began his murderers rampage. he ran to the nearest mountain for some reason then jumped onto a Boeing 787 and ripped on of the passengers to pieces then kept on running to a desert, an mtf helicopter was following 096 so it doesn't go to a town nearby “Jesus it's going 70 km” Says the pilot of the helicopter “Getting ready over” “Permission to use M92 Bunker buster? “Access granted” *Drops bomb* “Direct hit”  “Can the ultra red satellite see anything? “I see a raccoon” *leafs fall down* “Wait a minute it's still alive damn it's going to the town!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

100WC - Week #34 - Bailee

‘’ Oh, little cutie” I stopped in the middle of the street.There was a brown box with a baby racoon
in it. The baby racoon (which I secretly named Tommy) was chomping on a green leaf.
I decided to take him home.When we got to my house I took him to a little chair on the deck.
I sat down a put the box on the concrete.I pointed to the sky, “Look at the sunset Tommy” I turned
down to see only  concrete, something was up and I was determined to find out
who or what took Tommy.  

100WC - Week #34 - Kenneth

I was laying down on the fresh green grass. Looking up at the sky, wondering how clouds were formed. I caught a leaf, and chucked it in the air, watching it float down like a balloon. I heard a weird rustling sound, coming from a box. I looked inside only to find a Racoon in it. I immediately run inside away from the vast creature. I put a chair on the door so the raccoon couldn’t get in. I looked out the window, then it jumped on the glass making me frightened that I fell on the floor. The raccoon ran away, never to be seen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

100WC - Week #33 - Mia

“What was that?” I scream, almost jumping into my friends arms.

“I HAVE NO IDEA!!!” Screamed my best friend Olivia. We stared at the dark mysterious forest. “Do we dare go in?”

“Yes we should!” I tell Olivia. We start to walk into the forest, then I stopped dead in my tracks. I had heard the weird noise again. “Did you here that?” I asked Olivia worried.

“This time I did! I think it was a scream!” Olivia said. “We should get out of here!” I and Olivia spun around, just as the deafening screams echoed through the cold night...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

100WC - Week #33 - Kyralee (guest bubble blogger)

It was still dark out when I awoke everyone else was  fast asleep, so I was on my own.  The deafening screams of nothing echoed through the cold night. My spine shivers as the door behind me creaks open making a tiny hissing sound. I quickly slam the door shut very fast, taking a slow step forwards and flicking the light switch on.  It lights up every inch of the room. Suddenly I stop and I see something from out of the corner of my eyes. It quickly jumps off the dark grey sofa and plunges itself straight at me. That's when I realise it's only princess, our fluffy white kitten.

100WC- Week 32 - Milah

..The deafening screams echoed through the cold night… .  All the deadly animals have escaped from:       
⚠️ALARMING ZOO! ⚠️. Alarming zoo has all the nasty animal’s. Wee Oh wee oh wee wee oh.
My car goes. Officer Jones goes to first  avenue, we have a tiger attacking a lady. Copy” goes my radio.
“Copy” I say back to it. 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕖 the road sign says. 🅡🅞🅐🅡, 🅡🅞🅐🅡 goes the tiger. WOW.
I fight the tiger off the lady. You would not believe how scary it was. Predators taking over
New York. S♥C♥R♥A♥C♥H♥ the tiger clawed at my face. But that was not
I tackled it to the ground. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

100WC - Week #33 - Kate

Dear Diary,
We are in Australia because of mum's work, she is a detective, she is trying to find out where and why everyone is disappearing. We went to our apartment and went to sleep. Everyone says when you hear the deafening screams echoed through the cold night that's when they go missing.

Last night I don´t know what happened but my mum went missing and there was a note, it said:

If you try to find the deafening screams, I will come for you
- Scream.

I don't know what Scream means but I think it's her name.
I don't know where to start looking....

100WC-Week#33 Alex

¨Where are we¨”I asked the camp guide. ¨We I don't know¨ he replied.
¨Well what kind of camp guide are then¨ someone said angrily.
¨Ok everyone ¨said the camp guide¨let's turn back¨,but then I said¨we can't, cause we are lost deep in the forest¨.I turned back and no one stopped me. I start walking then some one was screaming  then I hear more screams
then...The deafening screams echoed through the cold night... fright filled my body and I started running . I saw a light and I got close enough to touch it, then puff…?

100WC - Week #33 - Charlie

It was a cold winter's night, we were getting ready for bed and then bang there was a enormous noise outside. We jumped up and pulled  back the curtains, a car had left the road and smashed into a power pole. The sky was lit up as the flames roared out of the car. Call 111 Dad screamed to Mum as he left the house and raced down the driveway toward the scene. As the deafening screams echoed through the cold night dad tried to search for the diver as he had been throwing  from the car. It seemed to  take forever but finally the fire engine arrived to put out the blaze. I was so glad when I saw Dad with the driver over his shoulder walking towards the ambulance that had also been called.

100WC - Week#33 - Jeremy

As I shut the door the gas smashed into the door. Luckily the door was carbon reinforced otherwise the glass on the door would leak and slowly kill me, same with the doors to the bedrooms which I forgot to wake them up. “Ohhh, uh hopefully they don't open the doors because that gas has hydrogen in it, their lungs will literally burn” But I went outside anyways and camped outside of our laboratory because the nearest trace of civilization is 120 km away from here, and so I slept. 23 hours later the lab announces morning time and will open the doors. I try to pry the manual system for the lab but it's no use. It's still 5:25 and the doors open. I say in my mind “it's over now…” As the deafening screams echoed through the cold night.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

100WC-Week #33-Addison

We were excited to go to the night carnival. We all screamed and ran around the house.
I was allowed to take two friends with me so of course I took my two best friends Milah and Alexis
Linkin wasn't old enough so it was just us then my mum gave us $50 each.
Mum booked us in then we got inside and mum drove off so it was only us three we were so excited
that we immediately went on the go carts then went in gold rush then obviously got some food then
sat down and chatted for a good 30mins. Then Alexis and Milah both pointed out the fair fall.
I was always scared of that thing but since I have such good friends they encouraged me so we
walked over and “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.” 
The deafening screams echoed through the cold night we all looked at each other I called mum
and we never went there again.

I went for a walk. Then i hard a deafening screams tonight and that never ever happens   at night  so i ran back to my friends and told them   we said they are building the boss zombie if we can fall the a zombie and if we can kill the boss before its made and so the zombies stop working on it and i have the medicine to get people back to life and we will be heroes for life and build a statue of us

100WC - Week #33 - Samara

“Where am I?” I shouted 
“Guys she's awake!” Someone replied “Are you ok?”
“Ya I’m fine, but where am I!” I Asked
“Oh we don’t know….” A girl said “But what's your name I'm Alisa!”
  “I’m Nathan!” Replied a boy
“Oh…. I’m lexi… What do you mean when you say you don’t know?” I asked
“We don’t know where we are, we go kidnaped…”  Alisa Said
“What’s gonna happen now?” I replied
“We don’t know…” Nathan said in a low voice.
After years we became famous assassins.
This was my last mission….

…The deafening screams echoed through the cold night…

100WC - Week #33 - Bailee

¨Pant Pant¨The periodic warm breaths of my tired lungs were the only sounds until…
I heard a scream and not just one. Many.
The deafening screams echoed through the cold night air. 
Was that him?
All of this thinking was starting to make me dizzy. I felt like I was dancing on a cloud.
I couldn't think, talk or see. I felt like I was useless. It was horrible.
Days passed, but they felt like minutes. Weeks passed ,but they felt like days.
Months passed, like weeks. 
It was like a never ending sleep.

 What if it was?

100WC - Week #33 - Madison

As I lay in my bed the deafening screams echoed through the cold night, 
Why are people screaming?” I thought to myself.
I got out of bed, opened the curtains and looked out the window.
I saw hundreds of people lining the road.
Why?” I mumbled.
Why what?” said someone out of the dark. 
AHHH!!!!!!” I screamed.
Ahhh what?” said the person.
Who are you?” I said to the person.
No-one,” said the person.
Well you are someone,” I said.
Really?” he said.
Yes really,” I said quite enthusiastically. 
And with that he disappeared into thin air.
What on earth!