Thursday, September 13, 2018

100wc-week #1 - Rita

“Wow Mum, what is that” I asked .
“It's a statue“ Mum replied.
“Really but then whose hands are these? Why are they underground? What are they holding?” I asked.
“We have no time to talk now Tim, but maybe it could be your bedtime story for tonight” said Mum.
After a long day at the mall in London they finally arrived home at about 8:30 pm but Tim's Mum wasn't feeling well. They both headed to Tims messy bedroom. Tim jumped in the bed with excitement waiting for his Mum to tell he the story about the statue.  “Sorry Tim I can't read you a bedtime story tonight because i'm feel too sick” said Mum, kissing Tims forehead goodnight.

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