Sunday, November 17, 2019

idk. by Luke

  ̈Do you like peanut butter,  James asked.
“No,” Bob said, “I like marmite.” 
¨Oh, well here have some,¨ replied James,
¨Thank you¨ Bob said,
¨No problem,¨ He replied.
¨Can you pass the bread please?¨ asked Bob
¨Sure thing Bob¨ said James
The End. 

̈ ̈Ok guys I hope you liked this story and if you really liked it SMASH that like button
IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS!!! and high fives all round.¨
I have no idea on what to do because my brain is empty so yeah. Bye!
I'm so sorry for whoever is reading this.


  1. i like how you story is basic and easy to understand

  2. Dear Luke,
    Your story was easy to read and understand because you used dialogue properly in your story by starting each new speaker on a new line. Good job. Some of your punctuation is missing or incorrect, so that is an area you could focus on next time.
    Keep writing!

    Mrs. Silver
    Team 100
    Illinois, USA

  3. Hi Luke
    I really like your story
    From Craig


I really liked . . . because . . .
I really liked the way you . . .
I enjoyed reading this because . . .
It was especially good when you . . . because . . .

I think you need to . . . because . . .
Next time you write . . .
Think about adding . . .
Have you thought about . . .
To improve your . . . try . . .
Perhaps you could . . .