Thursday, May 31, 2018

Don't even think about it 100 WC Week #33 By Keira

You see those spikes shaped in like a little ball and normally you find it hanging on a tree or lying on the ground? Yeah don’t even think about touching them. Sometimes they are green and sometimes they are brown.  Under the spikes are even more spikes that can even maybe give you a disease so don’t touch at all.  Imagine if it came alive, it would kill all of us! ahhhhhhh!!!!!! If it ruled the word we would probably be all dead and so it won’t be a better future for all of us.  So don’t even think about it!


  1. I really liked the way that you linked the end of your writing back to the beginning by using "So don't even think about it." Next time you write try using paragraphs to seperate main ideas.

  2. I love the dromatike don't even think about it


I really liked . . . because . . .
I really liked the way you . . .
I enjoyed reading this because . . .
It was especially good when you . . . because . . .

I think you need to . . . because . . .
Next time you write . . .
Think about adding . . .
Have you thought about . . .
To improve your . . . try . . .
Perhaps you could . . .