When I was watching tv with my mum the tv was turned on but… i didn't remember putting it on… so i carried on but them mum said as I was trying to put a different program on ‘LEAVE THE REMOTE’ oh sorry I was wanting to watch my program oh ok then it better be a good program our how about we just watch a movie ‘ok then what movie the elf movie silly it is christmas haha ‘ ok mum said’ 1 hour later we finished the movie and i was asleep; waky waky mum said’ waking me up’.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
100WC - week #13 - Xaveika Mclachlan
It was Christmas morning, I jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs. When I got there I noticed I was wearing a decorative sweater that had ribbons and bells and cotton balls on it. “What is this?!” I said in anger “I don't remember putting it on!” “i-it was in my room I swear!” I said.
I took the jersey off and walked back to my room to fold it and put it away. And then rushed back to the tree, and finally got back to opening my presents, And enjoyed the rest of the day.
The end.
100WC - Week #13 - Taisha
Christmas morning yayy lights are so bright and joyful.
I'm Running down the hall, going to wake my mum up. I find to my disgust that I'm wearing an itchy Christmas sweater that my aunt gave me two years ago “i didn't remember putting it on” I’m trying to get it off as I walk to my mums room and wake her up. “It's Christmas come on can I open the presents please” “pretty please”
“Wait till your sisters gets up” FINNEEE!!!!!
Before I go did you put this sweater on me last night ?
No why it must have been ...
100WC #13 Harry
Half way though the Airport…
..We get Band’s for to say what flight were on..
Mum And Dad say put it on your wrist.
But i didn’t listen and now i look at the sign
To see when were boarding,
Now the flight is only 12 Minutes away…
..I didn’t remember putting it on….
“Flight 81 is now Boarding”
We get up and walk over to gate 8
Now were waiting in line
About 2 minutes past..
And now the man asks to see
Our band…
And i have forgotten
To put it on…
I remembered to put it on
100WC - Week #13 - Bailee
One day I was on my laptop scrolling down on facebook seeing if my friends had posted anything new yet. Then suddenly a photo of me with chicken pox. I didn’t remember putting it on, I didn't think I would put it on. I kept on scrolling through old posts when a new post popped up, and it was my friend “oh my god Amy you look so ugly¨sevrel other people like this comment and no one told them to back off. Maybe my life is ruined. Just then another post of me comes up, me without my braces. My life is definitely ruined.
100WC - Week #13 - Chloe Old
I see strong light my mum and dad are fighting at first I thort it was a dream but then I heard my mum say”
“he is in a coma we can’t brack up now”
“what was I hearing? I wake up from my light sleep mum says.”
“You're wife would like to see you”
“what I have a wife I say confused”
“yes look at your ring”
“I don’t remember putting it on what”
“Can you get married in a coma I don’t even remember having girlfriend how much money do I have.I didn’t even bye a ring???”
100WC - Week #13 - Madison
It was a freezing day and I had to walk home in the cold. I pulled my bag off my shoulders and opened it up to get out my jumper, but I couldn't find it.
I wrapped my arms around myself only to find that my arms were encased in a woolly jumper.
What? I thought. I didn’t remember putting it on and definitely didn’t have it on before!
I was so puzzled but continued my journey to school anyway.
When I arrived at school it had gotten quite hot, so I decided to take off my jumper, but it wasn’t there...
100WC - Week #13 - Aiden
I was on my way to school walking my dog to his doggy daycare. As I was walking a van pulled up next to me. He rolled the window down to talk to me as I was 1 kilometer away from doggy daycare. He said ¨ Come hop in my car so I can bring you to school ¨. I ran! Halfway to doggy daycare then stopped then kept on walking. He drove forward and stopped to ask me again. Then I dropped my dog off and said goodbye then kept on running to get to school. A few minutes later he came to my school with a knife looking for me. I ran and hid but i'm wearing a jacket. I didn’t remember putting it on ...
100WC #13 - Ella
As i rethink my actshions I didn’t remember putting it on the xmas tree oh no we cant have a xmas tree without a star on top as we try and find it i said we can just buy another one mum. She Said yeah i guess so we went to the where house and we couldn't find one so we went to. K-mart and there wasn't one there so we went home and we saw that the star was in the xmas tree box we all were Relieved. Then we put the star on top of the xmas tree and it was perfect. The hole tree was a xmas tree with xmas decorations.
100WC - Week #13 - Kate
I woke up, when mum was calling me. She told me to sit down and listen.
“Last night you were drawing in your sleep. It started with a beautiful drawing but then you got out your felts and you started scribbling all over your body. So we put your painting cloth on”.
I said to my mum I didn’t remember putting it on. I took off my painting cloth and went to the bathroom, then I saw pen marks all over me so I went into the shower. My brother come in and said “mum made pancakes come and get them”.
100WC - Week #13 - Charlie
Me and Dad were loading a truck and it was very heavy. Dad said she is a beast then we are off on the road. Now the load is tipping to one side and Dad said to me did you strap it on. Then charlie said I didn´t remember putting it on. So we pull over onto a side road and we cheek the the load the whole load is to one side that is such a big lean. But now we are off and truck truck is going alot faster than before I love driving in a truck
100WC - Week#13 - Jacob
All generators are down.... 12 Hours on the clock, No time to lose. I start charging towards the locker I pull open the doors and shut myself inside! Heavily breathing from my chest. A strange man… a KILLER! Walks past with a.. Machete in his hand. . . My panting starts getting louder trying to catch my breathe! The man Overlooks his shoulder… I slam open the dors and rush towards the first generator. The Man Dashes across the forest and not seeing me. I start fixing the generator… Then a SNAP!... I began Yelling, As the machete comes flying towards me, Then i noticed…….
100WC Week #13 - Jaxon
Part 2
Running into the guards room i shuffled around until i found the closet Phase 1 was going good until...
I froze...
This was it i was done for, but then hope flared up inside my body I glanced behind me and briskly sprinted out the door and through the hallway then i noticed the guard suit...
I didn't remember putting it on...
I decided just to go to phase 3 and run out of the castle but that was a failure i got caught and they sentenced me for 8 years in the dungeons... Part 3
100WC - Week #13-Emily
Come on we're going to be late and they wouldn't like it if we are late so get the bag because that's the thing we need and it's the reason we're at this thing. You done so we can go now ya know we can go much sure you take it with you this time ok. Yup let's just get in the car so we aren't late ok. I was saying that the whole time. When they get there. Yes we're here get the bag ok yup um mm it's not here I forgot to put it in what no stop joking around ok. Am not it not there.
100WC - Week #13 - Samara
I ran to the river, the beast close behind. I did the only thing I could, jump. As my body hit the cold water, I saw the beast turn around, the harsh water swallowed me.
I saw ripples in the water, I wasn’t alone. I struggled to swim, whatever it was, it was fast. I hit my head on a rock, I slowly closed my eyes.
I woke up in a bed, I pulled off the covers, and turned on the light. I was wearing something unfamiliar. It felt itchy, I didn’t remember putting it on…. At that moment I knew where I was….-
I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
The magic box. “Why didn’t you do it”. said john. “But I didn’t understand the instructions”.replied holly. John and holly were making a ...