Once me, mum and dad were walking on a bridge then dad said should we play I dare you. As mum was still walking down the bridge she said yes. Ok I said so who is going to go first. Mum said she can go first so she did. Ok mum said. I dare you guys to jump off the bridge. Yes we will said me and dad.as we were about to jump off the bridge mum pulled me and dad back on the ground.then in her head she was thinking that… they never should have said yes.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
100WC Week#3-Hannah
Sitting alone up in a tree looking at the cars driving by one by one. Suddenly a car slowed down by a group of girls who looked like they were having fun. I just thought it was someone they knew who was in the car. One of the taller girls started nodding but they never should have said yes, the driver hopped out of the car it turns out it was a man. One of the short girls who looked young started screaming with fear. The man grabbed the young girl now all of them started screaming with terror And that's why you don't trust strangers.
100WC Week #3 - Samara
I was lying on my bed one night, when I heard my parents talking. I Roll over To listen….
“......We only want the best for her…..”
“....It's a lot of money……..Could we even afford it?”
“....maybe we could?”
“... Your right…”
I laid on my bed for a while. What were they even talking about? I thought. I got up the next morning to find my mum talking to someone.
“Good morning!” She said “You must be my new student!”
“Honey…” Said my mum. “You're going to South West boarding school…..”
“Boarding school? What's wrong with the school I'm going to now?..”
…they never should have said yes…
100WC Week #3 - Jacob R
“Ive been behind bars for to long” I say. I see a guard walking towards me stutteringly “What was that?” Guard replies “I said I've been behind bars for to long” I say “ I’ll be right back” guard says. The guard comes back with a chair and sits down. “Well guess what” Guard Whispers. “I will let you go only you tell me how you got into prison okay?” Guard says “Mmm… Okay…” I start to speak up “Im in Jail for…. Drugs…..” I Lie “Oh i thought it would be worse” He replies “Sooo…. Are you letting… go.?” I answer “Yes…. Uhh i guess” He mumbles. 1 Hour Passes….. “I'm free!” I yell “They never should of said yes!”
Monday, September 21, 2020
My gamer had gone on a holiday, for a week. But, let me introduce myself, I’m Steve the minecraft default skin. A few days later my gamer had come back, when he got on. There was this notification that said the following. “Do you want to update?” He accepted the offer, but little did he know this update was bad. It had made the mobs evolve into Mutants! When it finished updating he got on, but there were no mobs around. “Where had they gone?” he wondered. In a single blink a Mutant zombie picked him up off the ground, and flung him into a mountain. They should have never said yes.
100WC Week #3 - Emily
what did Samara do? I need to watch what he does.
¨may I ask before I go what did Samara do¨
¨ my sister and her were best friends one day they went to a party and samara was diving and samara made the car cash and my sister die so she going to pay¨
wait I was in the car when it happened that means I am his sister.
¨so you will go get her¨
¨ yes ¨
1 hour later.
¨ Your back yes did you get her¨
¨ Here she is”
¨Hello Samara, time to die and you too¨
they never should have said yes
¨ Wait don´t kill them¨
¨Why not¨
¨ Because I'm your sister¨
¨You are¨
¨ Yes¨
¨ stop being a liar¨
No I am- not.
100WC - Week #3 - Addison
The last plant on earth right in front of me they never should have said yes… my stupid parents agreed to let me cut the last tree on earth. Why tho? Why did they agree a crowd was slowly forming, my heart pounding going faster and faster as time went on. I'm trying to escape and get out of this place soon enough I feel like fainting… my head spinning in pain. Then you hear it chomp. My heart is going faster than ever. As it goes again chomp. Then a crack chomp crash! I fall to the ground while everyone's cheering… help I say when as I'm falling then light what have I done.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
100WC - Week #3 - Joe
Hello? Hello?! The phone didn't work, I wonder why they didn't pick up. I knew they never should have said yes. Then something happened. My phone rang this time. I answered it. Uh hello? I said, Hello… you are probably wondering why I'm calling you...Wait. DR BOT?! Yes… WHY DID YOU AGREE TO BE A SECRET AGENT?! How should I know? You are my problem… But why? Well you should have said goodbye early… Wait what? ¨Trap door opens¨ AHHH!! Bye bye old friend…. NOOO!!! BOOF! Ahh...My arm... wait where I am? Oh no! I've gotta get out of here.
100WC - Week #3 - Jeremy
I woke up to a room filled with pitch darkness. My head started to ache as I tried to move, eventually I gave in and laid my head on the comfy pillow. While I laid there, I had so many thoughts, but as I dug deeper into my memories. I remembered what had happened before I was here. I..I was at a council meeting, and they said we should welcome aliens to our world. They should have never said yes. I glance outside the window. I WAS IN SPACE! Then I look at earth. Aliens were attacking planet earth.
100WC - Week #3 - Madison
“They never should have said yes,” I say to my brother.
“I agree! This place is so cold and dark and dingy!” my brother replies.
“Yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to get used to it,” I say, referring to the new house we have just moved into.
The place looked like it hadn't been lived in for years!
It was almost… haunted.
I walked up the creaky stairs to my room, when suddenly my door opened! By itself!
“Who’s there?” I ask nervously.
Suddenly a cold hand grabs my shoulder.
“Me!” it replies.
100WC week #3 - Mia
They walked into the haunted house... but there was no one there.... They walked down the hallway… there was no one there… they walked into the kitchen…. They saw someone's shadow. “Would you like to look around?” The shadow came closer… “Um, uh.. ok?” They replied, so they followed the shadow. Down the hallway, past the kitchen, into the bedroom… The shadow opened the door. “HaHa! Got you now!” The shadow said. The shadow opened the door, into a cupboard...the cupboard had nails all over the wall…The 2 little kids screamed in pain…. They never should have said yes….
100WC - week#3 Jaxon
“Ding dong” the doorbell rang, it was almost 11:00 PM who could be there?
I got up to open the door
“Hello” a door to door sales person said.
“Hi” i replied
“What are you doing up so late?” i asked
“My job sadly”
“Oh” i was kinda freaked out by a guy coming to my door at 11 O-clock
He asked if i wanted to buy a box filled with halloween candy.
I said no but then my friend woke up and came downstairs he must’ve heard me because he came up to him and said
“$2 dollars.”
”Ok!” They never should have said yes...
100WC week #3 - Ella
They never should have said yes wait a minute do you know how my friends ended up like this??? Well I will tell you. It was one summer day and it was really hot!!! We went to the store to get some cereal because we had run out. So we were walking home and then we saw an ice cream truck and there was a wolf serving it and we went up to him and said hi well my friends did not me anyway. He sed would u like some ice cream i whispered in to my friends ears and sed that there is something off about him and my friend said nah and he sed would you like an ice cream and i sed no thanks and my friend said yes. And then after she liked it and fell over and I couldn't wake her up. Then the wolf came out and picked her up and that was the last time I saw her.
100WC - Week #3 - Milah
...They should have never said yes… The camp monitors KNEW there was a snake around. And worse… king snakes!. The camp monitors agreed that me and my sister, Emma, can go on a hike, and they knew that there were poisonous snakes around. I heard people on the bus called this place ‘camp slither’
“What do we do!” screamed Emma. But then suddenly, the snakes were melting, or sweating their scales off. What's going on!I knew there was something up with this camp. I slowly started to see the camp monitor's faces. THEY WERE SNAKES
“Gotcha” they said.
100WC - Week #3 - Bailee
Today is the day. I am finally doing it. I have wanted for years and years. I am going to ask my parents to let me build a tree house. Here I go,
¨Mum, Dad can I build a tree house.¨ I say, making sure to sound extra excited.
¨Where will you do that¨ Mum replied.
¨ In a tree¨ I say as if it is the most obvious thing on earth.
¨There are none¨ Dad answers.
I look around. I guess it has been a long time since I went outside.
They never should have said yes to an Ipad...
100WC - Week #3 - Aiden
I have an interview for a job at anz at 12:00pm lunch and that is in 10 minutes. Ok I’m driving down the highway rushing when I pull into some traffic there's about 30 cars in front of me and I’m in a rush 10 cars going at a time when I’m running out of time. I pull over onto the side of the road and HOP! Out of my car and start running I’m 2 km away from the office and I’m sprinting like a fall star. Nearly their done right on time. 1 hour later. They never should have said yes…
100WC Week #3 - Charlie
I was at a birthday party and someone let off a firework and then tom said that they never should have said yes to who let off the firework. Now every firefighter in the world was there trying to put the fire out. Someone said to me who let the fireworks off. Now the fire is out and we can keep going on with the party we were in the pool and all the grass was brown from the fireworks. There was a little red thing in the dirt that said I was the one who did the fireworks. It was max.
100WC - Week #3 - Kenneth
They never should have said yes. Because this was the cause for earth to be inhabitable. They had agreed to send 100 kids that were criminals back to earth, little did they know how bad it would go. They had been sent in the wrong direction. Now and again everyone would start attacking each other, just for not working hard. A few days had passed and everything had gone to hell. Everyday there was this fog, that would fully burn your skin in minutes. The people back up in space had been thinking about sending supplies. But they hadn’t known.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
100WC - Week #2 Hannah.
Bob the farmer was riding his bike to see his friends to drop off a basket of apples and pumpkins. He was going so fast that he got the wobbles and crashed into the hay bale. He then flew into the bale head first and was stuck. He cried out for help but no one could hear him. His hands were stuck in his pocket scared to dear life. The poor farmer thought it was the end of his life when he felt the hay bale get loose he felt hope. He finally got out by the help of one of his friends. It turns out someone did hear him.
100WC- week #2 Hayden
Mum! im going to go drop some apples and pumpkins off at nannas house ! okay Hayden be safe! ´´she yelled back”. I ran out the door and jumped on my bike and put my crate on my bike with pumpkins and apples. I started biking down my street and then all of a sudden this thing came falling over my head.
It fell on the ground, is that a hay bail?! I was to concentrated on what it was i ended up biking straight into it and head firsts into the hay bail. Help!!!! I'm stuck, help me !! mum help !!
I am still in minecraft. So they updated the game. And now i can ride bikes. And there are hay bales. And pumpkin boxes. So i was riding my bike. And i fall off my bike. From the pumpkin box. I got stuck in a hay bale. So can you help me please. So just pull got it 1 2 3 now. POP!! thanks for that now let me pay you. 100 doles spend it wise le. No smokes or bear. Mabe by a new car or stumthing. Food for your kids if u have sume. Well have a nice day.
Once I was on my bike going down a hill with a pumpkin in my hand. Then I lost control with my body then there was a huge bale that just came out of nowhere it was just still until. Ahhh it is coming after me then. Hello hello i said while I was stuck in a bale. Inside of the bale was warm because it was closed up. I was yelling. And yelling but no one could hear me. Then i remembered i had a knife in my pocket. Then I tried to cut the bale it didn't cut.
100wc - week #2 - Mia
“Mum!! I’m going to drop the fruit at Grandmas!” Lilly yelled. She got a crate and put pumpkins and apples in it. Lilly got changed into her overalls and gumboots, and put the crate on the back of her bike. She started off down the road. Wait a minute...what was that brown thing in front of her? It was a ball of hay!!! She tried to turn around, but Lilly was going too fast!! She fell off her bike and slided across the grass, next thing she knew...Lilly went head first into the hay! “Help!” She screamed!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
100WC week #2 - ELLA
There i was riding my bike in my big gum boots and farming clothes going to get some bread and
with some pumpkins and apples
in the wood box at the back of my bike and i was going past a
house there was a lady watering her plants
she said hi and waved i said hi
back and then this is the part that goes wrong i waved back and sed hey
have a good day and the i didn't see the big circle
of hay then i went flying in to it and i kind of got stuck in
the big circle of hay all of my pumpkins and apples had fallen onto the
ground there was silence
everything turned black then 90 years ago
i woke up and sed what hapend the nurses sed that i was in a
coma for 90 years!!! Oh my god i sed how old am i ???
the nurses sed umm well your...your...y...o...u...r…
im am wat i sed your umm 100!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!.
100WC - Week #2 - Charlie
Is this what I am seeing right now? A bike with a whole lot of apples on the ground in my backyard and there is a big blue thing in a hay bale. And look at the bike just on the ground why is there so much stuff there not doing much. The person who is in the hay bale would be very hot because the hay is out of the grass. I hope that the birds don't pick the man because he would have holes in his skin. If you look at the back there is a big house.
Monday, September 14, 2020
100WC week #2 xaveika
I was biking home after collecting food from my grandma. I was so hungry, so I started to bike faster and faster. But then I took a swerve. I was out of control! I flew off my bike and into the hay. When I got out of the hay I was covered! I snatched my bike and looked down to see all my food ruined! So I picked the food up and threw it in the rubbish and biked home slowly thinking ¨today is not my day¨ and when I got home I threw myself into bed and got a good sleep.
100WC - Week #2 - Chloe Old
i’m the story taller and the story about this a postman He is a live for your information.
there was a postman named Bob and he was going to save money for a home he liked and probably get a girlfriend and he found a genie in a bottle but he was a bad one he gave him bad luck for 3 years after the bad luck you get the worst bad luck in history and that has not happened yet till now he was riding his bike like every other day and this happened do I need to explain...
100WC - Week #2 - Madison
“I was just biking to the house with a crate full of pumpkins from the shed, when all of a sudden a giant hay bale just popped up out of nowhere!” I say into the phone that afternoon. “I see, but are you sure that it wasn't there before?” replies my Mum. “Yes! It just popped up out of nowhere!” I say exasperated. “Okay, well stay where you are, I’ll be home soon,” says my Mum. “It’s not as if I can move anyway!” I reply. “Why?” “Because I’m stuck in the hay bale!” The line went dead. “Come on!”
Sunday, September 13, 2020
100WC - Week#2 Jaxon
Just a Normal Day.
It was just a normal day for me. I was biking home from School and then a car randomly appeared in front of me. Its presence startled me so much that I turned and crashed right into a hay bale.
All of my fruit fell out of my bag: the newsletters, the lucky bookclub, the notices I was supposed to give to my mum and dad. Everything flew out of my bag and now I was stuck headfirst in a hay bale. When i got home i had a shower and went to bed. “Good Night”...
100WC - Week #2 - Joe
Today my dad told me I need to get outside and do something for people. I asked my dad why? He said that we need to get some money so get out there now! Fine… Hmm what should I do for people? AH! I got it. I can deliver pumpkins to people if my mom has pumpkins and farmer clothes. 5 minutes later. Ok now I'm ready, let's deliver some pumpkins! I got on my bike and rided it. Ok this is starting out pretty good I got some money from people. So I will….what-... ¨Wheel falls off “AHH CRASH! Ahh my head.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
100WC - Week #1 - Milah
It was a dark, stormy night. I heard rattling cans and rubbish outside. Orange leaves brushed against my window. I could hear my dad's deep snoring downstairs. I felt goosebumps shiver down my spine. I look outside my window to see the streetlight flickering. But then ...gradually, things started to move…
“ What's happening! “ I say in a worried voice. Things came crashing down, books falling on my head. I hear my parents hurry upstairs to come collect me and my brother. I fall down the stairs. We hurry outside. I was shivering, my brother crying, but then it suddenly happened.
100WC - Week 1 - Hannah
Alone In my room sitting on my bed. Gradually, things started to move. Am I in a dream? That's a thing I will never know. I thought 2020 wasn't going to get any worse But it just did. Everything was going dark, I couldn't see my bed anymore. I felt like nothing, like a ghost. I looked around and I felt my heart drop. I saw something that looked like a human body. I took a closer look and it was me I looked cold and white like snow. It was not a dream I was gone all along. Just like a ghost.
100WC - Week #1 - Emily
“Get under something, the earthquake is here!”
As we moved, the roof started to come down, I’m under the table and I see things Falling.
Gradually, things started to move. At this stage I am very scared something could fall on my head and I could die. Soon the earthquake stopped and everything stopped moving. I slowly came out when something dropped right on my head, then I was knocked out. When I woke up I was in a hospital. I saw my mum, dad and my sister crying. When I looked up, they saw me, I started to cry, soon my sad tears became happy tears.
100WC - Week #1 - Jeremy
The metal floor beneath me had begun to rumble. I felt like I was in the middle of a crusher being pressed. I take a peek out of my bedroom window, and see that part of the space station has fallen off. I scan my surroundings, where do I go?, do I try to fix it?, the questions just kept coming and coming. I finally came to a conclusion, a dangerous creature possibly could have broken through the cell when the part of the space station had crumbled. I stumbled down into the escape pod, gradually, things started to move. Everything lifted off the ground. Then I saw it, a stone statue. I turned away from it, then I,turned away “SNAP” My neck had broken.
100WC Week #1 William
And then gradually, things started to move as the earthquake struck. The bookshelves creaked, the drawers fell on to the floor with a violent bang. It felt like an hour but it was probably just a few minutes, until it finally stopped, and everything went dead quiet. Suddenly wailing sirens echoed in my ears as an arm grabbed my shoulder, I turn around and I see my mum's worried face. “William come out to the front yard, your dad and brother are already there”. I run out into the front yard as a firetruck stops in front of our house.
100WC - Week #1 - Kenneth
“Come back Roofus!” I yelled. “Come back to Papa!” I turned the corner where he had gone, but when I turned I saw… nothing. All these questions had entered my mind, “Where’d he gone?” and “What happened?” But then, I spun around and saw him jump on me. His licks were calming, and I regained my balance after a minute. This was a park we went to all the time. This time when we went there, this statue had just appeared. Along with multiple all surrounding me inside a big circle, gradually, things started to move. The statues… they’re moving!
100WC week 1 Xaveika
It was stormy and cold outside. I wanted to chase birds and hiss at dogs but the rain gradually kept going. I felt like I was dropping into a dark ocean but I was just quietly sitting there wondering if there would be an end to this rain. Just then I heard it… ¨SQUEAK¨ ¨What was that?!¨ I thought. ¨Could it be a mouse?¨ ¨It is!¨ I bolted towards the hole in the wall just then… I felt dizzy. I couldn't think right. Gradually, things started to move… I blacked out and when I woke up the mouse was gone.
100WC - Week #1 - Mia Hyde
I woke up with a shock, the boat had stopped moving! This was supposed to be a lovely holiday on a cruise ship. But no, the boat has stopped moving. I climbed out of my bed and looked at the time, 3:30am!!! I heard the loudspeakers crackle on, and then the captain started speaking. “Sorry the boat has stopped moving this early in the morning! We are trying to fix it!”
1 hour later…
“We have fixed the boat, it should start to move now!”
Gradually, things started to move…”YAY!!! THE BOATS MOVING!!” Mum and Dad screamed happily.
100WC - Week #1 - Madison
“What I still don’t get is, why would he want to trap us in here all alone?”
“Because we knew that he was not Dad’s actual agent, silly,” I replied,
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Are you two in there?” asks the agent.
“Yes,” my brother and I say quietly.
“Your father is dead…”
My brother and I gasp...
100WC - week #1 - Ella
gradually, things started to move. I didn't know what it was. Was it an earthquake? a meader? It kept getting louder and louder. It seemed to get closer and closer at that moment I thought the world was going to end or I was going to die!!! I was praying that I wouldn't die and that the world wouldn't end. Then I realised that my mum and dad were talking to a guy before. Did they want the guy to wreck our house? I ran outside and sed stop killing our house then i realized that the man was digging.
100WC - Week #1 - Charlie
I was inside with my friend playing on my phone then I heard a big bang I raced to the shed. I could not believe what has happened the car is outside and things started to gradually, things started to move I was running down the driveway. And then BANG it hit the wheelbarrow it had a whole lot of things in it like a spade then everything was on the ground. But my little sister had left the hand brake off I think she needs to go to back driving school..
Today i was fighting lunar moon and he came down to the earth atmosphere and he fort and fort in tile he was losing so he brought the moon down to the ground and gradually, things started to move up and up and up into space the homes stay on the ground and we had a gigantic fight then i knocked him to the ground then he got back up and knocked me to the ground i got knocked out then i thought he will finish me off but when i looked up he went away for same resin sorry for all the damchin
100Wc - Week #1 - Carla
When I was going to bed that saturday night I sore a piece of a gigantic piece of steel it was moving gradually, things started to move very slow then fast I was scared. Then a couple of minutes later I was woken up by a tennis ball that smashed the window. My mum, dad, sisters, dogs, cats, ponies all woke up by it mum and dad came in with my sisters who were crying then mum said I will clean it up right away everyone stand back. Then she cleaned it up. Then one minute later it was usleep.
100WC - Week 1 Jaxon
Gradually, things started to move... 7 hours earlier. “Hey ken wanna come over to my house?”
“Sure i’ll be there in five.”
When i was at home waiting for ken I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a doll but then i looked over and saw nothing. “I must be hallucinating” I thought to myself. Two minutes later ken showed up.
“Hey ken” I said “hey” he replied. He came over and sat on the couch
“Ahhh i’ve always loved this couch” he said i saw his eyes shine red... “ken?”
“Yeah?” he said in a demonic voice...
100WC - Week #1 - Joe
Today at school, I was just working minding my own business when I saw my desk shakes for a second. I just said to myself it's probably just someone jumping on the floor, but then the ground shakes even harder. Then I said now I know that was not someone jumping. gradually, things started to move. Then I realized that IT WAS A EARTHQUAKE! My whole class started screaming! Then my teacher said GET UNDER YOUR DESK EVERYONE!!! So we went under our desk and waited till it stopped. I said this is just a dream...just a dream just a..JOE! WHAT?!
Thursday, September 3, 2020
100WC - Week #49 - Joe
Today was the last day of school even though it was not the holidays I got so confused. I asked my teacher why? She said it's because of covid. I heard my friends talking about it. So when I got home I went on my computer until it was time for bed The next morning I wondered why I did not wake up early. That's because it's covid! I was shocked. Then when school came back I said How was lockdown for you? To my friends. They said it was amazing! I didn't even answer back to them so we just played.
I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
The magic box. “Why didn’t you do it”. said john. “But I didn’t understand the instructions”.replied holly. John and holly were making a ...