Monday, July 27, 2020
100Wc week 44 ella
100WC - Week #44 - Joe
Thursday, July 23, 2020
100WC - Week #43 - Samara
“Guys that's the bell” Yelled Mills.
We ran to class, slowly everyone left the playground.
“Ok settle down now…” Spoke Mr Johnen “Today we’re working on our science project, Everyone find your partner.”
I got up and went to my partner.
“Ok everyone ready?” Asked Mr Johnen
“Yes M-r John-en” Yelled room 12, Sounding like they were being mind controlled.
“Ok then go get your Robots and let's start!”
Everyone raced to the back corner, pushing and shoving.
Then it began…
“Now place the robots in the ring!”
I put my robot in, ’Ready… set….GO!!!”
“What the-”
100WC - week #43 - Aiden
100WC - Week #43 - Joe
Monday, July 20, 2020
100WC - Week #43 - Jeremy
100WC- week # 43 -Carla
100WC - Week #43 - Kenneth
We look around, we have all gathered here. To witness it, the destructive device that would ruin it all. We sat there in silence, then it began. Fireballs coming from outer space started forcing their way through the atmosphere. We came prepared, we got in the doomsday bunker and ran. Only to find our supplies to have been stolen. “This is alright, I’m sure our plant’s are still alive and growing.” said the Commander, all calming us down. We sat down near the window, sinking in that this will be our normal life now. And that it will never change.
100WC - Week #43 - Milah
Bam, pow goes to the other soldier's gun.
The wet mud sinking into my cold wet outfit. Heaps of dead bodies lying at the bottom of the trenches. Blood splattered everywhere.
I try to rest. But it just does not work.
“Your up, Go fight for the country” says the leader.
It's my time to shine. I dont know how i am going to do this with my body half asleep. I get up from the trenches to see misery, blood, cannons, bodys.
I see this gunman behind me…
Then it happened.
100WC - Week #43 - Mia
“I’m so so so excited!!!” I yelled, “We get to go to the circus!!!” It was true, today we were going to the circus up in Hamilton. I was going with my little brother, Tom, and my Mum and my Dad. I layed on my bed, thinking about the circus, The red curtains opened, and then it began, I saw dragons, people breathing fire, clowns…”ARGH!!!!!” I scream, “I hate clowns!!!” Mum came running in...
“What’s wrong???” Mum asked.
“I don't want to go to the circus anymore!!!” I sobbed.
“BUT WHY???” Mum asked.
“Because I HATE clowns!!!” I replied.Thursday, July 2, 2020
100WC Week #40 William
And then I saw it, a hunting rifle the most rare gun ever in fortnite season 2
I picked it up and I knew that I would win the game because I already had a pump shotgun for close range and impulses to blast me up in the air and then land and shoot someone. 15 minutes later…. So I was in a build battle with McCreamy. Edited my way up to the top of the builds and hit McCreamy with my shotgun and then blasted him into the air with impulse grenade and headshoted him with my hunting rifle
100WC - Week #40 - Kate
“ Not until you tell me a story” I said begging him.
In 1986 there was something going on in the world where everyday someone would go missing?
It started in New Zealand when the first person went missing. Then it spared the whole world. I was on holiday in America when I got Kidnapped! The Kidnapper came into the light, and then I saw it!
I asked so you are the kidnapper right? He replied to me “ DA yes I’ve kidnapped you right now” the creature explained.
100WC - Week #40
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
100WC - Week #40 - Hannah
I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
The magic box. “Why didn’t you do it”. said john. “But I didn’t understand the instructions”.replied holly. John and holly were making a ...