It's the end of the world as we know it... “We are going to be annihilated by the freaking moon crashing down at us!”“Oh my what a beautiful night blue sky” (As shards of the moon presumably smash into earth) “I guess this is it our extinction event” *I sigh* “Hey look at that a rocket” I say in a normal tone “Their going to live, I guess this isn't our extinction event “Oh well” *We drive towards the tree that we used to play when we were kids* “Heh this brings back so many memories” *As the last leaf falls towards me and lands on my head* Well this is it hopefully they will carry on the human race” *They say softly while the moon and the shards heat up in the atmosphere* “Goodbye” *They say to each other and hug just before the moon makes contact with the earth and turns ocean into deserts deserts into glass* As the last humans left are humanity's last chance...
Thursday, April 30, 2020
100WC - Week #31- Carla
The dark sky
This looks like a picture that was taken at night time because the beautiful big round yellow moon.
The dark sky with the tree hanging down and with all the clouds in the sky.
The fog is making the picture look more cool and the mountains
in the background look very far away and tall. I think it looks like it
is in winter time and in the country as it sort of looks like paddocks.
It also looks very still and calm too with no animals around.
This picture looks dreamy, like it's from a book.
100WC - Week #31 - Mia
“WOW! That's cool!” I say to Olivia.
“I know! The moon’s cool, but the tree in front of it is very very freaky!” Olivia exclaimed.
We watched the moon rise up into the dark blue sky, the tree in front of it made it like like a horror movie! CRACK! “What was that?” I ask.
“I-i think it was the tree, but i’m really not sure…” stammered Olivia.
BOOM! “ARHHH!!!!!!” Me and Olivia scream, as a strike of lightning hit the tree.
“I don't think we should be standing under this tree…” Olivia said as he tree started to fall...
100WC-Week #31 - Ella
It was a cold foggy sunset. I was walking home from school when an old tree started to fall over. I didn't realize that the tree was falling down. When I heard a big bang I looked around the cemetery.
I thought it was prank but I had one more look around and then I realized that an old tree had fallen down. Oh! that is what it was and I started walking home when I heard the pranksters streaming ¨ahh there's a ghost!¨. I didn't believe them because I know it was just a prank so I just walked.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
100WC - Week 31 - Milah
“It's a breezy, chilly night. The wind wailing.. The cold breeze flowing into my room. I stand there, amazed.looking at the colour and size of the moon. A big creepy tree lies in front of the yellow moon. Autumn has forced trees to shed their leaves. That's why all the trees look haunted. I step outside. The breeze hits me. I feel like something is calling me. I ran to the moon. Gravel hurting my feet. I jump. I fly. Into outer space.” People are right, the moon tastes like cheese . I think at the dinner table while I eat my cheese.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
100WC - Week #31 - Kate
The den of wolfs lies under the tree. With a ghost mum and a skeleton dad, the alpha wolf shadow and his twin spook. a younger sister scarlett and the youngest twins howl and howla. Every once and awhile the tree stomp will crack, unleashing the ghost and skeleton to watch the den sight. People go on holiday there and some people say they didn’t return.
Of course they did, some people like to tell you that because they're just fooling around. But know one knows what goes on in that tree. The one thing for sure is that tree is mysterious.
100WC - Week #31 - Charlie
Dawn is slowly breaking and the fish are ready for the long day of swimming. There is low misty fog over the ocean. The moon is peeping out through the gloomy clouds making the countryside look spooky. It looks like the bright yellow moon has been decorated with the branches over the tree which are twisted between each other making it look like a can of spaghetti. The light house on the hill stands alone looking lonely. The tree looks like a person falling backwards with his foot coming out of the ground there are lots of roots on the tree. I think it will be a beautiful day.
100WC-week #31- Addison
The sun set and the birds got comfy as night has awoken.
The crickets start to chirp at each other.
The mother reads a story to her little ones as they slowly drift away.
The lighthouse light turns on to guide the boats home.
The lights go off in the calm neighborhood as dogs get in there kennels
The flowers close their petals.
The animals of the night come crawling out when all other animals go to bed.
The eyes close as we drift away to soft music.
The wind stops flowing for day is falling
100WC - Week #31 - Emily
Today I'm going camping with my family into the forest where the moon shines the most. ''Where are going to put the tent?''
"Over there by the tree where the mist''
''OK'' See we have not gone out of the house because of the corona virus. It feels great to get out of the house for a little bit of time.
"Mum, Dad, Charlee the moon is rise up''
''Wow, look at the mist it's pink and purple"
"Everyone it time for bed"
"OK" Tomorrow we get to go to the lake and go for a walk in the forest. This year has been great but not the corona virus.
100WC Week #31 - Bailee
¨It was a dark and stormy night,¨Me and my friends were having a sleepover. Then…
¨Where is that sound coming from,¨My friend Emily cried.
¨Calm down where probably all so very tired we are hearing things. ¨Let's all go down to that pretty tree and calm down.¨
Without a second thought I marched down to the tree no matter who was or was not following me.
¨What a beautiful tree and look at the pretty Moon¨I exclaim to try and cheer them up..
¨Uh oh¨
¨Um we may have broken the enchanted tree.¨
100WC - Week #31 - Madison
As we stood watching the tree fall down the pale moon was slowly moving across the sky.
“Why do they have to cut down my tree?” Mya wailed as the tree slowly fell over.
“It isn’t your tree,” said Mya’s older sister Jessica.
“It is because it is where I sit and play with my dolls,” said Mya.
“Girl’s stop arguing, it’s nobody's tree!” said Mum.
“It belongs to the people who planted it,” said Jessica.
“Don’t backchat Mum!” shouted Dad.
The following day Mya went out to play with her dolls under the tree and then remembered it was gone.
100WC - Week #31 - Samara
The stars were out, and the moon shone bright. But something was missing, was it the fact that I was alone or the fact that I was never happy, yet I stared into the stars as if I still belonged.
It was hard being the only one on this plant. I had a beautiful place to live. But was it enough?
‘T-weet, Tweet’ A bird or could it be that someone waiting for me. I look into the distance- fair is my eyes can see, but yet they fail me. As if it was bad enough I still can’t that someone.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
100WC - Week #31 - Phoenix
We looked at the full moon tonight. the zombies are upgrading tonight. like mutating. we ran into a few bad zombies. and hard ones too. I found a letter. it sed go to your tonight bring everyone. and it had the date we did. it so we went to the door and we talked hard talking inside . so we opened the door and there were 10 zombies inside my house!!!!. We went crazy. So the zombies sed its ok. So we stopped. When we looked up there where holes in the roof. So we whore sad we cried lode
Saturday, April 25, 2020
100WC Week #30 - Joe
O Boi! This is my first time going to Freddy Fazbears Pizza! I heard that the robots serve the pizza to you, I wonder. Dude It doesn’t matter what you think, does it? Yea it does! Okay, where are we sitting Dad? Right there! Okay. Alright so what pizza do i want? pepperoni Yea thats what I want. ONE PEPPERONI PLZ. Okay coming right up! Wait IT STARTING! Are you ready for freddy and friends? Introducing Freddy fazbear's REMASTERED! Yea GO freddy! Here ya go kid. Hey! I fought the robots serving the pizzas. Not anymore kid. Im sorry. O man!
100WC Week #30 - Jaxon
The Big Hole
Me and my friend were walking downtown and we went into the woods to try to find our hut. Then we saw a giant hole! “Woah” I said “Look at the size of that hole!”
“I know it’s crazy,” he said. Then we saw a sign that said “WARNING DO NOT JUMP” I looked over at our hut which was across from the hole, “How are we supposed to get there now?” I said
“I don’t know but we have to get there fast because the sun is setting!” said my friend
Suddenly we got kicked from behind launching us into the hole! I saw a giant flower.
“Woah” I said as we landed on it.
100WC - Week #30 - Carla
When I first want to ride my pony I get him from his paddock, then walk him to the tree to gear him up. He takes a little break to have some grass then he will start to walk again, as he has a hay net waiting for him. I need to take his cover off and brush him. …’ It doesn’t matter what you think, does it?’... If I brush him for too long as he likes it. Then I would go out and ride, jump, trot, canter and walk to cool him down. I love my pony Macintosh.
100WC - Week #30 - Alex
As the sun sets I scream in anger."He was so annoying. I can't get him out of my head"I shout. As I walk along the path I see a broken sign. “Aaarrrggg” I scream in fury and kick the sign that says Market Hens Pheasants Deer And Cattle in big bold letters. "Me it had to be me. I am the true prodigy" I shouted again. A stranger walked past me and said." True power only comes from within" then he handed me a flower and murmured."Take it". Then I ran off and the flower fell down a hole then i started saying…'It doesn't matter what you think, does it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
100WC - Week #30 - Kate
We start this story with 3 children, Stuart, Gale and the youngest Pennie who has just started school. Their mum is trying to teach them and their dad is busy at work. All little Pennie wants is to take her toys to the table where they sit down for school.
“ Hey Pennie, big girls don’t have toys at school” teased Stuart. Pennie yelled “It doesn’t matter what you think, does it!” Pennie can be shy but when people annoy her she can yell.
Gale and Stuart just stood in silence. I guess girls can do anything.
Based on the New Zealand lock-down.
“ Hey Pennie, big girls don’t have toys at school” teased Stuart. Pennie yelled “It doesn’t matter what you think, does it!” Pennie can be shy but when people annoy her she can yell.
Gale and Stuart just stood in silence. I guess girls can do anything.
Based on the New Zealand lock-down.
100WC - Week #30 - Taisha
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr it's cold today I say to myself as i'm walking to school . I'm going to get a flower for Mrs Beck today, “OUCH !! there is a bee in that one” . I got to school, “don't forget to sign in everyone” Mrs Beck said, all of a sudden a large crowd surrounded something, I pushed through to see what it was a hole? “The sun has crashed!!!”, people were saying. “Aaaaah!!!” my eyes flashed before me. Is it a dream? Hello anyone here ? I think I fell down . I kick the ground to see if this is really happening, then...
Monday, April 20, 2020
100WC - Week#30 - Jeremy
“ It doesn’t matter what you think, does it? “ “What do you mean? “ I say in a bland way “YOUR COMPANY SIDEREAL PLEXUS STARTED MINING ON ASTEROIDS! “ “Ok so what?” I say questionably “ONE OF THE BIGGEST MINES ON CERES EXPLODED SENDING IT TO ‘GUESS WHAT’ EARTH! “ He growled at me ferociously “Oh um when does it hit earth? “ “In 158 hours.” “So can we stop it?” “Unfortunately, even with our technology all 9.7 billion people are going to die. It also includes 8.7 million animals, 900 thousand bugs, ten quadrillion ants, and 200 to 400 billion individual birds which basically means every living thing on the planet.” “We need to get out of earth now…”
100WC - week#30 - Ella
As I kicked the enormous sign, my huge foot goes through the sign. I take my foot out and there is a BIG... BIG…. hole in the sign. Then the bright sun went through the sign and shone on the oldest flower in town. The flower wasn't grey anymore, but the whole town was still grey. So I kicked and kicked until the whole sign fell down. The town wasn't grey anymore. No more frowns in the town. The town was back to its old happy town, everyone was smiling and were happy. We all started singing sweet songs together.
100WC - Week #30 - Mia
“ Let’s start digging!” I say to Dad, picking up the shovel.
We both started digging a big hole. After a few minutes the hole was done. We look up at the bright sun,
“Should we put in the flower seeds now?” I ask.
We pop flower seeds into the hole, and start to kick the dirt back in. “Let’s put the sign up!” I exclaimed.
We walk over to where the sign is and take it over in front f the hole. We push it into the ground. All we could do now was wait for the flower to grow.
100WC - Week 30 - Milah
The SUN was shining. Dad and mum were out in the garden planting FLOWERS. I Peer out behind them, A bunny HOLE!.Cool!. Why not walk up to it and see what's in there!. A big spade is blocking my path. I KICK it out the way. “Woah” I whisper to myself.
“Come check this out!,It's so deep” I yell.
Mum and Dad come walking up. I spot a teeny weeny SIGN down the bottom.
Down and Down and Down i go.
RING RING, RING RIN-. My alarm clock goes off. Woah.
100WC - Week #30 - Charlie.
It was a beautiful autumn day. The sun was shining. I put my red band gumboots on and went to get my dog Bounce. I got his led and I got his nice little ball so we could play his favourite game kick and catch.
There were so many gardners working at the park digging lots of holes preparing for new plants . I had to keep Bounce away from the workers as there was a sign saying “ KEEP DOGS AWAY”.I was worried Bounce was going to dig a hole and run away with a flower. Let’s go home Bounce.
There were so many gardners working at the park digging lots of holes preparing for new plants . I had to keep Bounce away from the workers as there was a sign saying “ KEEP DOGS AWAY”.I was worried Bounce was going to dig a hole and run away with a flower. Let’s go home Bounce.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
100WC week #30 Addison
The sun was shining brightly so we decided to plant some flowers in the garden.
We chose the flowers from the shop and needed to plant them. We dug some holes to plant the flowers.
We chose a sunflower which needed a big hole. Then our cat came along and tried to go to the toilet in the dirt so I gave it a gentle kick and it ran away. The flowers looked great. The next morning when I checked on them, they looked a bit sad and droopy. This was a sign that they needed more water.
I got the hose and watered them. They were happy again.
100wc week#30-Diesel
This morning I woke up and watched mum go out in the garden. She kicked the crickets out of the garden to plant a dozen sunflowers she dug twelve holes and put one seed in each hole she filled the holes in then watered the seeds. Once she finished watering the sunflower seeds she put a sign up witch said. Stay out crickets I laughed and said crickets can not read mum. Then mum put snail bait in there so the snails wouldn't. touch the vegetables and sunflowers. Over the weeks the twelve sunflowers seeds sprouted and grew really tall.
100WC - Week #30 - Madison
“It doesn’t matter what you think, does it?”
“It does matter what I think, if I want to go to Hawaii then well I want to go to Hawaii,”
My brother and I were arguing about what country we wanted to go to.
He wanted to go to Australia and I wanted to go to Hawaii.
“What are you arguing about!” my Mum shouted from the kitchen.
“Nothing!” we both yelled from the hall.
“Who said we are even going anywhere?” I said.
The next morning Mum and Dad told us that we were going on a trip to Switzerland!
100WC - Week #30 - Bailee
¨So what do you think?¨ I ask my teacher curious as to what he may be thinking.
¨Do you want my honest answer or my nice answer?¨ he questions me.
¨Honest¨ I say wondering how that may affect the answer.
¨It's rubbish¨ he announces.
¨What! well It doesn’t matter what you think, does it?’ I start to question myself.
¨Well it kind of does matter what I think, this narrative is worth half of your grade.¨
he's right Mum
would freak if she found out. Should I run and fail my grade or stay and pass my grade?
You Choose!
100WC - Kenneth. Week #30
The creature was unstoppable. It had a bullet hole in its back. When you thought of it, it came. But while we survived the vast wasteland, we realized, It doesn't matter what you think. Does it? Because no matter what we thought, it would always come. It only came at night because the sun would damage it unbelievably. We thought of an advantage at scavenging for food at day. We had a ball we would kick around for fun. Whenever we entered town everything was shut. Signs on the door that said. “DO NOT ENTER” And the poppy flower shone.
100WC Week #30 - Phoenix
We found a new species of zombies the flower and we are standing in front of it kicks the sign thore the sun and made a big hole in the sun then it ran after us then there were more so a my dog attacked a them but there were too meme of them so we got my zombie friends so they put their poruse to taste so the flower zombies back off we had a sullabrachin so we had cake and pies,coke,hotdogs,dog biscuits,ice cream,xbox1,minecraft and anything to ate and play like cars fortnite
100wc #30 Samara
There had always been this dog that lived in our backyard, it was so mysterious and unknown I always thought it was a sign of hope that the world still had beauty.
When I get angry I always kick our couch, now it has a hole in it.
My parents didn’t approve of that, my mum always said ‘The sun specks the truth in which we can’t understand.’ I had a bunny she was called Flower but she was killed by a hawk, Just remember when life brings you down you’ll get up and try again.
You're not alone anymore.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
100WC - Week#29 - Jeremy
BANG!! I heard something hit the roof, it must of been debris by the local tornado hitting.The wind was cooling down so I checked the roof and i see a Toyota corolla in my roof! It must of been a big storm but its still here and it just got worse, a deadly spiral spins towards my house and picks up the car from a mile away and launches it back in. I head inside my bunker, that I assume can withstand E-f 3 tornado which has wind speed up to 249 km an hour! It took lot of rumbling until it stopped as soon as it calmed I got my ladder and not caring about the dangers looked at the car which was now deeper in my roof than ever.! The one thing that’s unusual is that I think I remember that vehicle, oh wait that's my car…
100WC - Week#29 - Taisha
“Good morning mum”, I say as she walks by . “Good morning honey, what would you like for breakfast?” “Weetbix please”. As I was eating breakfast I was wondering what to do today . “Mum mum mum can I go horse riding please, pretty please?” , “Once u have finished breakfast” . CRASH!!! “MUUUUMM!!!” “Mum something just crashed through our roof!!! Call the police!!”
As mum grabbed the phone we both ran outside to see what had made the loud crash. I heard mum on the phone “You're not going to believe this but please send the police a car is in our roof”.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
100WC - Week #29 - Samara
When Hayley was first learning how to drive. All she had to do was drive down the driveway, out onto the road and drive to the petrol station. So she started the engine, and put the car into reverse which is silly because she could fly off the edge and straight into the neighbours roof. You see our house is on the edge of a retaining wall and if we reverse we will fly off the edge. The car became like a rocket in the air. Crash! Bang! Crunch! Now our car is a roofing tile on the neighbours house.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
100WC week 29-Ella
So I was just sitting in my room practicing guitar. when all of a sudden there was BIG BIG CRASH. and then i jumped up and ran outside and the neighbours across the road had a car in ther roof. YES A CAR ON THER ROOF and then i quickly got the
phone from inside and i rang 111. and i said can i please have the fire apartment ok the lady said. a man said hello i said hello there is a car in my neighbours house. Ok the fire truck is on the way. I said thank you.
100WC week 29 - Hayden
Brrrmmmmmmmmmm, a fast car roared past my house .My baby sister woke up screaming in terror, thinking it was a monster coming to eat her! Then all of a sudden there was a bang!” What in the world just happened?” My grandma said. My mum came running out of her bedroom at great speed. “What was that?” she yelled. “ We don't know!” we yelled back. Me and my family quickly put our shoes on and ran down the street, a big crowd followed us. “What on earth has happened here?” There was a car in someone's house!
100WC - Week #29 - Phoenix
I and my friends were walking down the in the zombie apocalypse then we saw a zombie driving a grey car
We ran as fast as we could to the house where the zombie crash into the house we were so mad because it was my lab and my friends too so I got a ladder and climbed up there with my shotgun and minigun and went up there to teach him a lesson I throw him off the roof to my dog Simba and there was one in the boot so I did the same ...
week 29 100WC Addison
CRASH. “Wait what was that” I ask in confusion.
“Hang on, is that in our house?” I asked again.
“I think it is” mum said
“Come on, let's go check it out” I say excitedly.
“Wow is that car on our roof” mum says .
You could easily tell that we were both confused.
Then the fire department came and they acted quickly with alarms and yelling so much was happening around us then KABOOM. The car exploded on our roof but the good thing is the guy that was inside got out safely so we got house insurance and spent A LOT.
100WC - Week #29 - Mia
”Ummmm…. what’s going on?” I ask my friend Amy.
“I have absolutely no Idea” Amy said.
I stared up at the car coming through the top of Amy’s roof, there was a ladder leading up to the roof.
“ What are you going to do about this?” I ask.
“ Well Dads going to a friend, he is going to help us I hope… there he is.” My friend said pointing to a man with brown hair.
“ Hmm….” He said, “ looks like-”
He never got time to finish his sentence because at that same moment the car came flying from the roof….
Week 29 - 100WC - Milah
“Is that a flying saucer?, no A CAR!”
Oh no. something has gone wrong in the engine.
“TAKE THE WHEEL” says dad.
Oh no…
The steering wheel always slips out of my hand. It is impossible to drive. I had control for a bit, But then..
BOOM CRASH BANG. Where are we??. All I know is that we are up high, real high. OH NO! I see mrs horan walk out of her house.
Wow, I crashed into my teachers house.
“UMM, hello!”
“HI” she shouts
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