Tuesday, June 30, 2020
100WC - Week #40 - Charlie
100WC - Week #40 - Taisha Walker
“How you feeling today” said the nurse
“Good thanks when can I go ??? “ maybe tomorrow if that's okay with you”
As I was walking down the hospital hallway I heard something the sound of big waves “hmm that's weird” so I kept walking. The sound gets louder and louder . I look in the rooms know one is in there . Hello anyone here ???
know answer Doctor Vicky ??? The sound starts to scare me. I panicked and ran .
And then I saw it big waves of water rushing down the hallway.
I scream , What's wrong honey? I had a bad dream.
100WC - Week #40 - Bailee
¨Flutter, flutter, flutter¨
¨Where is it ¨ right now I am in my room looking for a stupid bird that my cat brought in. My cat always brings birds in and it is getting annoying. And even worse it is my job to get them outside!!!
¨flutter, flutter, flutter¨
Where is it?!
¨flutter, flutter, flutter¨
It is driving me insane, I hate that cat!!!
¨flutter, flutter, flutter¨
I follow the noise with my eyes and then I saw it. Green feathers and a brown beak. Poor thing; it can't fly. I feel so sorry for it.
Where is that cat?!
100wc- week #40- Carla
Sunday, June 28, 2020
100WC - Week #40 - Milah
100WC - Week #40 - Samara
100WC - Week #40 - Aiden
100WC - Week #40 - Mia
I looked up into the dark sky, but I couldn’t see it. “What am I supposed to be looking for Mum?” I asked.
“Just be quite! And look!” Mum replied. I didn’t eve know what I was supposed to be looking for! Mum said something about a rocket ship. But I couldn’t see a rocket ship! And then I saw it… a rocket ship, soaring through the sky! “Is that it there?” I asked Mum.
“It sure is!” Mum replied.
Later that night, I decided to write a story about the rocket ship, and then I hoped back into bed.
100 WC-Week 40 Jaxon
100WC - Week #40 - Kenneth
100wc 40 phoenix
A a a a gigantic zombie and he had a sampil that i neddy to finish the core butt he wont give up hes pieces of hir so he didint see us down here so reader yes u can u help ok can u plez give us all a rocket launcher rplez thanks Boom bang boom pow boooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!! Thank u for giving us the rocket launcher
Give and respond to feedback. |
100WC - Week #40 - Ella
100WC - Week #40 - Joe
100WC - Week #40 - Emily
100WC - Week #40 - Madison
“What?” I questioned.
And then I saw it...
There was a baby elephant and its mum walking through the street...
But hold on, we live in a small town not a jungle!
“Why is it here, we don’t live in a jungle?” I said.
“Maybe they're lost?” said Lizzie.
“Doubt it, but how did they get here, the jungle is miles away! “
I said.
“Maybe they’re here for a circus?” she said.
“You really think that they’re gonna do a circus in this little town! “ I said
Then the elephants started to walk away...
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
100WC - Week #39 - Joe
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
100WC - week #39 - Ella
As I walk around my car I see a polar bear looking for me and I try to keep as quiet as I can and it. slowly moves towards the back of the car so i slowly move to the front of the car and then i runs. towards me and then it grands me and opens its mouth.and then it stops and i realize that it was my friend amber the polar bear and i say are you hungry and she says yes and no my friend amber is not a human she is a polar bear amber.
100WC - Week #39 - Kenneth
Sunday, June 21, 2020
100WC - Week38 - Carla
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
100WC - Week #38 - Charlie
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
100WC - Week #38 - Milah
100WC - Week #38 - Joe
Monday, June 15, 2020
100WC - Week #38 - Ella
100WC - Week #38 - Mia
100WC - Week #38 - Samara
It was a breezy morning at the zoo, Laleee the Koloa was talking to his friend Elly the Elephant.
When Cola the Dodo announced that there had been a HUGE fight in the Lion pen.
“Really?!” Shouted Lalee. “ Is that true?”
“Yes!!!” He yelled. “I saw it with my own eyes!”
They ran over to the Lion pen not knowing what might happen to them.
Fixing problems were their specialties.
When they got there they couldn’t believe their eyes, the pen had been destroyed.
Then the Elephant delivered his speech.
Gentlemen, is it right to fight for a girl? Or to fight for popularity-
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
100WC Week - Emily
Monday, June 8, 2020
100wc-week 37-carla
It was not mine so I put it into a bowl on the kitchen table and
searched more than ever in town. And it became an ancient
accident and all of my money fell out of my pockit so I played the
viola to get some money to buy a note and it has to say whos
sticker it is and put it all around the town. Bbbpppppppbb
bbbbbbbbbbppppppppp!!! What was that irely in the
morning I said looking out of the window. Hello I said “ hello oh
no help aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
100WC - Week #37 - Kenneth. The Ancient Jungle.
100WC - Week #37 - Madison
Sunday, June 7, 2020
100WC Week#37 - Joe
100WC Week#37 - Charlie
100WC week#37 - Ella
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
100WC - Week #36 - Milah
Monday, June 1, 2020
100WC - week #36 - Mia
100WC - Week #36 - Madison
thing, it was green (at first I thought it was a tree
but clearly I was wrong) and hairy.
heading this way.
100WC - #Week 36 - Kenneth
The Labyrinth
The big loud thudding footsteps urged me to run, but I knew I had to wait. I heard the gunshot. That’s when I knew I should run, I felt the creature's hot breath touching my back. I wouldn’t dare turn around. Because I knew it would cost my life. I shot down the long maze and I got caught in a dead end, I looked around looking for an escape. I found a little hole I could hide in. I heard the loud footsteps getting quieter. I channeled my energy and focused on one thing. To make it out alive.
I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
The magic box. “Why didn’t you do it”. said john. “But I didn’t understand the instructions”.replied holly. John and holly were making a ...