When I was watching tv with my mum the tv was turned on but… i didn't remember putting it on… so i carried on but them mum said as I was trying to put a different program on ‘LEAVE THE REMOTE’ oh sorry I was wanting to watch my program oh ok then it better be a good program our how about we just watch a movie ‘ok then what movie the elf movie silly it is christmas haha ‘ ok mum said’ 1 hour later we finished the movie and i was asleep; waky waky mum said’ waking me up’.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
100WC - week #13 - Xaveika Mclachlan
It was Christmas morning, I jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs. When I got there I noticed I was wearing a decorative sweater that had ribbons and bells and cotton balls on it. “What is this?!” I said in anger “I don't remember putting it on!” “i-it was in my room I swear!” I said.
I took the jersey off and walked back to my room to fold it and put it away. And then rushed back to the tree, and finally got back to opening my presents, And enjoyed the rest of the day.
The end.
100WC - Week #13 - Taisha
Christmas morning yayy lights are so bright and joyful.
I'm Running down the hall, going to wake my mum up. I find to my disgust that I'm wearing an itchy Christmas sweater that my aunt gave me two years ago “i didn't remember putting it on” I’m trying to get it off as I walk to my mums room and wake her up. “It's Christmas come on can I open the presents please” “pretty please”
“Wait till your sisters gets up” FINNEEE!!!!!
Before I go did you put this sweater on me last night ?
No why it must have been ...
100WC #13 Harry
Half way though the Airport…
..We get Band’s for to say what flight were on..
Mum And Dad say put it on your wrist.
But i didn’t listen and now i look at the sign
To see when were boarding,
Now the flight is only 12 Minutes away…
..I didn’t remember putting it on….
“Flight 81 is now Boarding”
We get up and walk over to gate 8
Now were waiting in line
About 2 minutes past..
And now the man asks to see
Our band…
And i have forgotten
To put it on…
I remembered to put it on
100WC - Week #13 - Bailee
One day I was on my laptop scrolling down on facebook seeing if my friends had posted anything new yet. Then suddenly a photo of me with chicken pox. I didn’t remember putting it on, I didn't think I would put it on. I kept on scrolling through old posts when a new post popped up, and it was my friend “oh my god Amy you look so ugly¨sevrel other people like this comment and no one told them to back off. Maybe my life is ruined. Just then another post of me comes up, me without my braces. My life is definitely ruined.
100WC - Week #13 - Chloe Old
I see strong light my mum and dad are fighting at first I thort it was a dream but then I heard my mum say”
“he is in a coma we can’t brack up now”
“what was I hearing? I wake up from my light sleep mum says.”
“You're wife would like to see you”
“what I have a wife I say confused”
“yes look at your ring”
“I don’t remember putting it on what”
“Can you get married in a coma I don’t even remember having girlfriend how much money do I have.I didn’t even bye a ring???”
100WC - Week #13 - Madison
It was a freezing day and I had to walk home in the cold. I pulled my bag off my shoulders and opened it up to get out my jumper, but I couldn't find it.
I wrapped my arms around myself only to find that my arms were encased in a woolly jumper.
What? I thought. I didn’t remember putting it on and definitely didn’t have it on before!
I was so puzzled but continued my journey to school anyway.
When I arrived at school it had gotten quite hot, so I decided to take off my jumper, but it wasn’t there...
100WC - Week #13 - Aiden
I was on my way to school walking my dog to his doggy daycare. As I was walking a van pulled up next to me. He rolled the window down to talk to me as I was 1 kilometer away from doggy daycare. He said ¨ Come hop in my car so I can bring you to school ¨. I ran! Halfway to doggy daycare then stopped then kept on walking. He drove forward and stopped to ask me again. Then I dropped my dog off and said goodbye then kept on running to get to school. A few minutes later he came to my school with a knife looking for me. I ran and hid but i'm wearing a jacket. I didn’t remember putting it on ...
100WC #13 - Ella
As i rethink my actshions I didn’t remember putting it on the xmas tree oh no we cant have a xmas tree without a star on top as we try and find it i said we can just buy another one mum. She Said yeah i guess so we went to the where house and we couldn't find one so we went to. K-mart and there wasn't one there so we went home and we saw that the star was in the xmas tree box we all were Relieved. Then we put the star on top of the xmas tree and it was perfect. The hole tree was a xmas tree with xmas decorations.
100WC - Week #13 - Kate
I woke up, when mum was calling me. She told me to sit down and listen.
“Last night you were drawing in your sleep. It started with a beautiful drawing but then you got out your felts and you started scribbling all over your body. So we put your painting cloth on”.
I said to my mum I didn’t remember putting it on. I took off my painting cloth and went to the bathroom, then I saw pen marks all over me so I went into the shower. My brother come in and said “mum made pancakes come and get them”.
100WC - Week #13 - Charlie
Me and Dad were loading a truck and it was very heavy. Dad said she is a beast then we are off on the road. Now the load is tipping to one side and Dad said to me did you strap it on. Then charlie said I didn´t remember putting it on. So we pull over onto a side road and we cheek the the load the whole load is to one side that is such a big lean. But now we are off and truck truck is going alot faster than before I love driving in a truck
100WC - Week#13 - Jacob
All generators are down.... 12 Hours on the clock, No time to lose. I start charging towards the locker I pull open the doors and shut myself inside! Heavily breathing from my chest. A strange man… a KILLER! Walks past with a.. Machete in his hand. . . My panting starts getting louder trying to catch my breathe! The man Overlooks his shoulder… I slam open the dors and rush towards the first generator. The Man Dashes across the forest and not seeing me. I start fixing the generator… Then a SNAP!... I began Yelling, As the machete comes flying towards me, Then i noticed…….
100WC Week #13 - Jaxon
Part 2
Running into the guards room i shuffled around until i found the closet Phase 1 was going good until...
I froze...
This was it i was done for, but then hope flared up inside my body I glanced behind me and briskly sprinted out the door and through the hallway then i noticed the guard suit...
I didn't remember putting it on...
I decided just to go to phase 3 and run out of the castle but that was a failure i got caught and they sentenced me for 8 years in the dungeons... Part 3
100WC - Week #13-Emily
Come on we're going to be late and they wouldn't like it if we are late so get the bag because that's the thing we need and it's the reason we're at this thing. You done so we can go now ya know we can go much sure you take it with you this time ok. Yup let's just get in the car so we aren't late ok. I was saying that the whole time. When they get there. Yes we're here get the bag ok yup um mm it's not here I forgot to put it in what no stop joking around ok. Am not it not there.
100WC - Week #13 - Samara
I ran to the river, the beast close behind. I did the only thing I could, jump. As my body hit the cold water, I saw the beast turn around, the harsh water swallowed me.
I saw ripples in the water, I wasn’t alone. I struggled to swim, whatever it was, it was fast. I hit my head on a rock, I slowly closed my eyes.
I woke up in a bed, I pulled off the covers, and turned on the light. I was wearing something unfamiliar. It felt itchy, I didn’t remember putting it on…. At that moment I knew where I was….Sunday, November 29, 2020
Addison #100WC week 13
I was with my family at a funeral in Coromandel. Then suddenly the ground started to shake. Then someone screams “EARTHQUAKE!” we scream in terror hiding under chairs. Then it gets worse… it was CHAOS. Then we all here a voice the same person that yelled earthquake then saw something horrifying a tsunami we didn't know what to do so we just ran up the hill water rising we made it we voided the tsunami the earthquake stopped. We rented a hotel. I slept in my sweaty clothes. But then my clothes changed and ...i didnt remember putting it on...
100WC - Kenneth - Week #13
As I’m going to go get a midnight snack, I see a bright light coming from the living room. As I entered the room, I saw that the TV was on, playing a cartoon. Although I didn’t remember putting it on. I was about to reach for the TV remote, when I noticed a dark figure sitting on the couch. With a croaky voice, it said. “I have been waiting for you,” At that moment, I couldn’t move, it was like I was stuck inside a dream and I couldn’t wake up. It was like everything was just a memory.
100WC - Week #13 - Mia
I had finished making the most delicious cake! It was chocolate. But I wasn’t ready to cook it, it was just in the oven. I couldn’t cook the cake because the icing needed to freeze for 2 hours before it could get on the cake. When the icing was done I could put the cake and the icing in the freezer and oven, and wait 2 hours then. But then the most dreadful thing happened…
“BEEP! BEEP!” The oven was on! And the cake was cooked! But one thing bothered me about the oven, I didn’t remember putting it on....
100WC - Week #13 - Joe
“Oh shoot!” I said as I was running to get my suit. “Finally” I made it. “Ok activate suit” Thanos has striked down and terrorising the city! “Yes Joe said my robot helper.” As I left the building and bashed out in my suit I flew out in the city and I saw but I didn’t remember putting it on him… “Guess thanos got an upgrade too on his armour I said” “I need to get my friends like hulk and dr. strange.” But just then as I was flying to get dr. strange and hulk I got blasted by a purple laser. Thanos zapped me!
Thursday, November 19, 2020
100WC - Week #11 - Aiden
I was at home on my Ipad playing Among Us It's a fun game I guess. But at 3:00 in the morning well I was playing Among Us and then something random happened. I was brought into the game. I was white I was on the castle map. It was my favourite map. I like this map because it has so many rooms. It's super hard. Imposter me and Joe. My name is JEFF of course because that's my name in real life. When me and Joe win we will be the champions of Among Us. But that if we win. Ahhhhhhh. Few that was just a dream. Or was it...
100WC - Week #11 - Milah
Leaves were rolling everywhere on the footpath as I was walking. The cold breeze was rushing against my skin causing me to have goosebumps.I keep walking until i see this lady, a beautiful lady with snowy white hair and a crafty purple raincoat on with white paint splattered on it
“ Where are you going, miss?” she asks me.
My brain was confused the it comes up with this:
“UH I- i uh the castle”
“The castle,.. I see follow me”
We walk for miles until we reach this beautiful castle. Then, I figure it's not as beautiful as it seems.
100WC - Week #11 - Xaveika Mclachlan
One day I was rolling around in the leaves minding my own business with my dog. Just then a man snatched my dog right out of my hands, “NO!” I shouted as I sprinted to get my dog back “WHERE IS MY PHONE?!” I said panicking and confused. “Shoot, I left it at home!” I said. just then I found a white pole and string “good thing i'm crafty” I said. I tied a knot in the string and pulled it tight on the pole and took that with me. Then I found the man in a castle and spun the pole around knocked him out, and got my dog back.
100WC - Week #11 - Joe
Once upon a time... There was a brave man on his rolling cart going to his palace where the castle was. After he had made it to his palace he went to the castle but all the crafty things were difficult to check while he was walking. Finally he made it to the castle where there were leaves and other nature and he forgot that the castle was white. He went into the castle then he found the king to talk to, he said. Your ornery I traveled all the way here to see you because I need your help. Um king?
100WC - Week #11 - Jaxon
Rolling into the castle i felt the white wind blowing against my back the Leaves Crackling beneath my feet
I was in danger.
The guards were chasing me, i ran as fast as i could and ducked between a couple of buildings.
My Crafty self kicked in i started thinking.
I finally came up with a solution i would bait the guards into thinking i was trying to escape the castle then i would duck into the palace and disguise myself as one of them.
A simple but hard plan, I ran out and Started phase one...
100WC - Week #11 - Charlie
We were going downtown rolling in the car and leaves were crashing into the car bang crash. There was a big white castle right beside us. There were Crafty people walking out of the door. We locked the door. They were running after us. We were going over the speed limit but we just needed to get away from them. But we just stopped they were knocking on the door and let us in. People are trying to get us. So the jumped in . We speed down the road but we are still speeding we got away from them just in time
100WC - Week #11 - Mia
I stood in the doorway of a shop called CRAFTY kidz. I can’t believe i’m doing this….this is such a baby place. I thought, as I opened the door. Someone came running to the door to greet me.
“Come! Come and take a seat at a table!” She said.
I had a look around, and the place looked like a CASTLE with WHITE walls and there were LEAVES all over the floor. I saw kids ROLLING around in paint! I decided that this place looks quite fun after all. I went to sit on a chair at a table.
Monday, November 9, 2020
100WC - Week #10 - Aiden
Today was the day I was allowed to get a puppy. But it was massive. I said to my Mum that if only it was a bit smaller I would love it but this dog is gonna grow way too big. Can I get a new one please? NO! My Mum said she paid $200 for this dog and she could not bring it back without a receipt but for the pet store we got the dog from there's NO receipt. So NO! NO! NO! She said that this is now my pet dog. Sadly now I have a giant dog in my house.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Harry 100WC #9
Me and Addison look down at the bee…
Bzz! Bzzz! Bzz!!
It tries to get up
Addison trips on one of the steps,
We Scream!!
And we looked behind us to see if the bee was still following us and then BZZ!!!
It stings us both.
It flies away,
We scream!
And still keep running! Then all of sudden a big swarm of bees come and then..
100WC - Week #9 - Taisha
“Pack your bags we're going on a picnic” mum said
“Uhhh really it's so embarrassing do we have to wear those white things”
“Yes its no big deal”
I pack my camera because I had a feeling I would catch something amazing .
“Hey Lucy, you can’t catch me,” my brother says .
Oh really
Get off the table, I say.
I jump up onto the table all of a sudden we fall to the ground.
Why am I so small ?
Bzzzzzz bang something landed in front of us i take photos
“It looks like a bee”
“Leave his leg”
Then ...
100WC Week #9 - Chloe Old
100WC week #9 Xaveika
Max and I were weeding the garden minding our own business. Just then we saw a bee, So we decided to say hi to it.
I went up to touch it and then that's when it hit me. A shook shivering down my body, feeling like I was getting smaller and smaller. “HEY MAX!!!!!” I shouted “huh? Oh harry is that you?!” max said “YES!” I said.
just then max touched the bee and became small the bee started to die, “hey look I found a camera!” max said “cool!” I said we took a picture and grew back to normal...
100WC-Alex-Week #9
So, I was playing with my figurines and all I hear is this stupid bee buzzing around room so then when it comes near me I cant help but swat it. BANG!!I sigh in relief Because that was a near miss the bee almost hit my figurines. Then I realise this could be a perfect scene, I pretend my figurines are scientists studying the bee. I do this several days with different storyline but then on the fourth day I go to get the bee but it's turned a brown color and worst of all it stinks, A lot!!
100WC Week #9 Jacob
WOAH! I yell “Is.. Is.. That a Bee?” I yell over to Jaxon “YES Its.. Very.. HUUGE!” Jaxon mumbles
“Hold on let me get my camera!” I say. I start videoing the bee that seems to be knocked out. “Let me check if it is actually knocked out!” Jaxon Says. Jaxon lays down his boxes and starts tugging the leg of the bee. “YEP! Its dead..” Jaxon Yells over to me. I start to lower the camera and lift up my head. “Hey i think its wing flapped!” I Whisper “Phh your joking i was tugging its leg” I hear wings flapping repeatedly! “RUUUUUUNNN!!!!” I scream!
100WC week #9-Carla
Hi I am called bumblebee so once in was flying very high then ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh puf!!!! Yep as you could guest I crashed into people taking photos of each other they got mad at me they started to take photo of me and I don't like photos but I didn't know at that time because I fainted,it was so bright and loud so one person still was taking photos and the other was looking at my foot. 3 hours later I woke up smelling huny and then it was gone so I flew back to my home and the end.
100WC Week #9 - Jaxon
*Helicopter noises*
“Were flying into the location now”
My hearts pounding it was only a couple of months ago that we had to deal with the hornets but this... this is much much worse its a honey bee 10 times the size of the average man.
We lower the helicopter to the site and get out to analyse the bee.
My first initial thought when i heard about it i thought it was alive but it turns out it was dead which means theres something bigger than it like a bird that can kill it...
phoenix 100WC
I am a bee. And I put some mods on my server. Now I killed a bee. And got its soul and i beecam a bee. Now I am small. Bang . no my wing. Maday maday be going down. I feel ill. Ok let's test him. But the race is tomorrow. We need to tame him. How. that is a problem. Please don't kill me. We won't hurt you. But I am a bee? We know that you are a bee. Its the bee race tomorrow. The next morning. We won. I can't believe it we won thanks bee.
100WC Week #9 - Kate
First of all let me get something straight these men got stuck in a new machine that shrunk people. This is so embarrassing but that's my dad and uncle. They are not scientists, they are vets.
Well they were on the table sitting and waiting for dinner. Something landed with a bang!
My dad walked over to the other side of the table. There it layed a bumblebee.
Dad yelled at the top of his lungs “ GET ME VET KIT!”
I ran and got dad's vet kit.
I asked “Dad what's wrong”
He said “ The bee is injured. I don’t think it’s going to make it”.
Kenneth - 100WC - Week #9
Lying before me was a monstrous creature. Created by the gods to try and destroy us, we had taken them out, but there were more to come. 15 have been reported shot and killed on the spot, if the citizens ever knew our planet would go to hell.
East Asia
“There’s the giant creature.” I said. “Look at that monstrous thing.
“Damn, wouldn’t wanna be stung by that stinger. “ The Pilot said.
“Yeah that would poison you so much that it would kill you on the spot.” I respond.
I jump down and start taking shots at the creature. When it falls to the ground we start to dispose of it.
“Another one down.” I say.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
100WC Week #9 - Samara
In my mind I was thinking I couldn't get out of it alive,
But Little did I know…...
We were on holiday, happily minding our own business.
When all of a sudden a giant bee fell out of the sky, landing on my friend.
I struggled to get it off, I backed away.
It slowly crawled off him, before it started to gap it towards me.
Slowly backing away, I tripped over my suitcase.
My friend stood up, and ran to get his camera.
He took a picture, the beast backed off.
It fell to the ground, I ran, and never stopped
100WC - Week #9 - Mia
“Uh….WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT?!” Yelled Johnny.
“What’s what?” Asked Tim.
“Are you crazy!? Can you not see it?” Said Tim, looking up into the air.
“O-” Tim started.
But it was too late, ‘THE THING’ was already flying towards them. Tim and Johnny were on a wooden table, and they decided to make a plan fast. They started jumping up and down on a spot on the table, ‘THE THING’ came right down and died on the table. Jimmy pulled a leg on ‘THE THING’.
“I have discovered….it’s a bee!”
“ I already knew that! Obviously... ” Said Tim
100WC - Week #9 - Bailee
“ Wing torn, leg broken, in shock. Over”
“Roger, Can you get our friend mega bee up onto the chopper? Over”
“ We will try. Over”
“Alright good luck. Over.”
“Ready Guys” The chief vet paramedic questions..
“Ready when you are!” The rest of the bunch reply in unison.
“Alright, 3,2,1, LIFT “
“YES, we got him on!” someone yells.
“Got him on, see you in 10. Over”
“See you there chief.”
“ Yes I see what you were talking about. This is a critically endangered species of bee. I am proud to have such an excellent team working for me.” He paused “Now let's have a look. Wing definitely torn, Leg fractured here and possibly there”
“ Will he be OK”
“ Only time will tell…”
100WC - Week #9 - Jeremy
300 miles of the south African rain forest. A humongous bee has landed in the middle of the torrential habitat here.
“This is a great discovery. We once thought that these Besius Epsoloutus pronounced bee-sus ep-so-lo-tus were the top of the food chain. That means we might have discovered a new species of bird or bee and that means more predators. Us humans thought we were the deadliest beings on the planet oh boy we were wrong, 3 times actually” ''First viruses in 2020 then alien creatures from the moon and now carnivorous flying creatures that can kill a 9 meter long BEE.
100WC - Week #9 - Aiden
Im joe, joe soup and I'm an insect doctor. When an insect is in trouble I shrink down to their size and see what's happened to them then see if we can help. The things I have worked on have been horrible but that's what we do to help the environment.
The things I do are like save bees and spiders or earwigs and ants. But today we have a big emergency, we are helping a bee.
He called and told us that he had been sprayed by something and he feels sick. He wants help before he dies. So that our mission today is ready?
100WC - Week #9 - Madison
Bzzz… Bzzz… Bzzz…
“What’s that?” I said to my friend looking up towards the sky.
“What’s what?” She replied.
“That buzzi-” I was interrupted by the noise again.
Bzzz… Bzzz… Bzzz…
Then it fell to the floor in front of me. It was huge!
“I think it’s… dead,” I said.
I picked up a stick and prodded it cautiously, it didn’t move. I poked it again. It woke up and hovered in the air as if motioning for us to get on.
My friend and I smiled at each other and hopped on for the ride of our lives…
100WC week #9 Ella
This creature is real, what does this mean? This means that someone has made a big position to make stuff bigger so the person or people that have made this has tried it on a bee or more bees. Some people are trying to figure out who did this. This is one news on tv as i turn off the tv i tell mum i wonder who made it? I don't know what sweetie she replied, dinner is ready, what are we having for dinner, we are having macaroni and cheese . Yumm!!! I yell please don't yell in the house my mum exclaimed ok sorry mum its ok sweetie.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
100WC-Week 9-Wiliam
My goals this week are: I can include metaphors in my writing, e.g. she is like a walking dictionary. I can use adjectives, similes, and onomatopoeia with confidence.
Lights, camera, action
The scene where Marc Matthews, Voice of the Character Jack sparrow has just set up his camp halfway up Mount Everest, (Backgrounds will be added soon). The figurines were a perfect substitute for real humans, figurines are as flexible as gymnasts so any position necessary can easily be pulled off. Anyway back to the movie, as Jack sparrow lights his fire a bumble bee comes flying in and lands on its side, right in the middle of the set and smashes the mini, non authentic campfire.
The director yells impatiently ''Can we get some new props please!!''
100WC Week #9 - Joe
Captain we seem to be losing control of our bee! WHAT!? The captain said. We need to land somewhere safe before it explodes! Ok ok sir! “The bee lands” Whew that would have been bad now we have to shrink the bee and us too so we can check what happens to it. Yes sir! Here goes nothing! BOOF! Oh my bees! Wait no dont get distracted we need to fix this bee! Yes sorry sir! Hmm Oh yes we just need some honey for its fuel. Oh ok boss! “Fuels up” Done! Now lets get out of here before something bad happens.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
100WC - Week #8 - Mia
She stood there, ready for coach Tom to blow the whistle. “Can you blow the whistle?” Bella Said.
“Bella...don’t be rude!” Said Tom.
She just ignored him, and waited for the whistle to blow...5 seconds later, (Which actually felt like 10 years) the whistle finally blew. “Finally-” Bella started. But she couldn’t finish her sentence because Jack, flipped her upside down, and flung her on her back. All her breath was knocked out of her. She slowly got back up and exhausted & breathing hard, she simply raised her fists, she aimed her fist at his face….and POW!
100WC - Week #8 - Kate
“What's going on, why is there a big crowd” the girl behind me asked.
“Amara and Emma got into a fight, it’s starting to go violent” I tell her.
Turn around to face her , it’s Emma’s little sister Lucy. She looked upset.
Then she asks “is Emma going to be OK.”
I tell her “ it will be fine.”
“Or will “I say quietly to myself so no one will hear.
Lucy pushes everyone out of the way. She tries to stop the fight but Lucy's friends pulled her back. Amara punched Emma in the stomach. Exhausted & breathing hard, she simply raised her fists.100WC - Week #8 - Joe
Ahhh my head… Huh what? Where am I? What is this place? Then in the distance, He could see someone. What? Uh hello? Ma´am could you help me? I'm lost. She started to look exhausted & breathing hard, she simply raised her fists. Um excuse me? Hello… You may not know who I am... Yea who are you? I am your NIGHTMARE! Um okay? PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM! How exactly? By doing...ZOMBIES!!! What...OH I SEE NOW! UM I GOTTA DIP CREEPY MAN! HEY…..DONT SAY THAT TO ME! WHO CARES! I'M OUT! Rrrr Brains...BRAINS! Oh quacks man!
100WC - Week #8 - Chloe Old
Fighting for her life as she was tired exhausted & breathing hard, she simply raised her fists and killed the Mitty best and was given a gifted and.
That gifted will never die and that is love a gifted of love and peace because of her braveness and kindness.
For proceeding her town from the best because she was an orphan so she had no love and no peace because she was treated badly.
So now she has family and friend’s she is a town hero she has all she would like and her orphan friends have a home and love.
Monday, October 26, 2020
100WC - Week #8 - Samara
It was midnight, 31st October, Halloween.
I was walking down the street, on my way back home.
A car pulled up beside me, Someone jumped out. They grabbed me
I woke up in a dark room, Taped to a chair.
A light turned on above me, she walked into the light.
I could hear that they were exhausted & breathing hard, she simply raised her fists….
I closed my eyes, Nothing happened.
I opened one eye, She walked out of the room, the light turned off.
The tape was gone, I hopped off the chair….
Out of the darkness, I saw it...
I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
The magic box. “Why didn’t you do it”. said john. “But I didn’t understand the instructions”.replied holly. John and holly were making a ...