Thursday, February 27, 2020
100WC #22 - Kate
The storms were rolling in. I was walking past a house, when lighting struck that house. I started to run home, when Sammy came running across the road. Hay Kate did you see that house we should go in. “Really”, “Yes", ''fine ". But first I gotta go and get my raincoat. As I go to get my raincoat, mum says “ I've got to walk the dog if you want to play with Sammy”. Fine mum. When we got back a went straight to that house. We slowly approach the door. We opened it. It was dark. No one was there, the door shut!
100WC Week #22 - Diesel
The old scary house
"Hey Jake, I dare you to go to that old creepy house down the road." “why”. because. Just do it “okay I'll do it don't yell at me then” Jake started walking down the road to the scary house. “I'm right behind you Jake” he walks up to the door and... BOO!!! “Ahhhhh!” “ Gosh you scared me, don't do that again.” “Ok” “ mmm zombie” “ run!!! " Oh and don't get caught” “ so what will he do if we get caught?” “ He will probably eat our brains and leave us on the side of the road for our parents to see us...
100WC- #22- William
It was Halloween and I was going to a haunted house with my family before we go trick or treating.
As we arrived I could see the haunted house from the carpark and straight away I knew it was going to be scary.
We walked towards it and Jack exclaimed “ woah this is going to be awesome”.
“ Yeah, it looks pretty scary” Mum replied.
As soon as we walked in to the house We got greeted by and person it a vampire costume
"Good evening and welcome to our Haunted house followed through that door and then ‘try' to escape..."
As we arrived I could see the haunted house from the carpark and straight away I knew it was going to be scary.
We walked towards it and Jack exclaimed “ woah this is going to be awesome”.
“ Yeah, it looks pretty scary” Mum replied.
As soon as we walked in to the house We got greeted by and person it a vampire costume
"Good evening and welcome to our Haunted house followed through that door and then ‘try' to escape..."
100WC-Week #22 - Ella
Once upon a time there was a little girl singing sitting on my skateboard chewing my bubblegum chew. Chew chew swinging my yo-yo we we and then she hured a BIG bang and she screamed aaaaaaaaa!!!.
And then the doorbell rang ring ring ring and over and over the doorbell rang and rang but she was.
To scared to open the door but she forgot to lock the door and suddenly the door swung open and a lot of. Wind came in the house she screamed agen aaaaaa
But even louder this time the neighbours turned into zombies and she...
And then the doorbell rang ring ring ring and over and over the doorbell rang and rang but she was.
To scared to open the door but she forgot to lock the door and suddenly the door swung open and a lot of. Wind came in the house she screamed agen aaaaaa
But even louder this time the neighbours turned into zombies and she...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Taisha - 100WC - Week #22

It's my birthday. I saw a note on my bed, that's weird. All my letters normally go to Mum. Maybe it's a birthday card. I opened the note it said "Dear my friend, your Mum is gone, if you follow the rules to this letter you will find her. Go in the car and follow this destination, then you will come to a door. open that door…"
I did what the letter said. When I got to the destination there was a strange door, I opened it.
"MUM you're here."
"SURPRISE" my friends said as they jumped out to surprise me.
Hayden - 100WC - Week #22
It's Halloween me and my friends Milly and Kate are at the creepiest house in town, "Maybe we should just go home now we've already got so much candy," I said but Milly and Kate wanted to see what it looks like inside. We walked up to the creepy old door and rung the doorbell. no one answered the door Milly rung it a second time no one answered so I just said lets go and we turned around and started to walk home then the door started to creak we turned around very slowly and the door was opened it was pitch black in there an old man walked out.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Jeremy - 100WC - Week #22
I woke up in what looks to be a shed. it just looks like a normal shed, but the door it looks weird, its colored blue and has what seems to be a peep hole in there. BOOM! A loud knock hit the door, I was scared to open it because I was concerned for my own safety, what could I use to protect myself?, then I heard a growl “oh god its a zombie horde how do I get out of here now?” then I spoted a shovel “I might have an idea” as i time a jump they break the door,I bolt for the police station, I made it “looks like everyone evacuated” I said, so I went to the armory to look for guns and sure enough plenty of guns i'm surprised that nobody looted the armory “as
I loot up in a cinematic way”. I see a sign that says Riot gear. “Oh yea its time”in just a few years they were all vaporized with nukes.
I loot up in a cinematic way”. I see a sign that says Riot gear. “Oh yea its time”in just a few years they were all vaporized with nukes.
Chloe Old - 100WC - Week #22
Ummm do I umm knock on the door no Dj ok what is behind it I do not no just what I thought so lets go in together no ok what will make you go in nothing I will give you $1000000 nope what about $90000000 nope what in the world will make you go in pies nope ok im going in no don't what is in there ummm ok so let's guess whet is behind candy nope cats nope ok I give up let go behind Dj im not going I will give you a dog ok im going...
100WC#22- Jacob
The Creepy house Between Two hills
I'm riding my dirtbike at a nice place similar to the grand canyon. "This is epic" I yell just before I ride up the hill. I take a little glance over to the right between these two hills I say to myself what was that so as soon as I bolted up the hill. I stop it took me about 10 seconds to see it again then aha i see it. It kinda looks like some old nightmarishing house it looks so spine chilling. As I frightfully turn and hop on my bike again hmm it is scary but wonder what could be in there then I ride off.
100WC- WEEK 22 Aiden
One day I went hunting with my dad. Once we got there we went deep down into the woods. After that we came back out to the car and drove home. The next day... today was the day when Me and my dad went deeper and deeper into the woods. We were there in the middle of the woods! Bang! Bang! My dad shot to deer down wow I said he said nothing my dad said let’s go back to the car were lost I say oh well hey look there’s a house right over there...
One day I went hunting with my dad. Once we got there we went deep down into the woods. After that we came back out to the car and drove home. The next day... today was the day when Me and my dad went deeper and deeper into the woods. We were there in the middle of the woods! Bang! Bang! My dad shot to deer down wow I said he said nothing my dad said let’s go back to the car were lost I say oh well hey look there’s a house right over there...
HWC Week #22 - Jaxon
Silent Hall.
Me and my friends were walking down town when we saw something fly past us at incredible speeds.
Then we saw a really creepy house we looked at each other and nodded. We walked toward the house when we got closer we started to notice a dark figure standing at the door.
I recognised it instantly it was the thing that shot past us before.
As we got closer he vanished then some sort of portal opened up “What’s happening?” I yelled as we got pulled into it.
Then suddenly it was dead silence “where are we?” I asked my friend...
Me and my friends were walking down town when we saw something fly past us at incredible speeds.
Then we saw a really creepy house we looked at each other and nodded. We walked toward the house when we got closer we started to notice a dark figure standing at the door.
I recognised it instantly it was the thing that shot past us before.
As we got closer he vanished then some sort of portal opened up “What’s happening?” I yelled as we got pulled into it.
Then suddenly it was dead silence “where are we?” I asked my friend...
Emily - 100WC - Week #22
Me and my friends are going to Samara house. As we walk there we stopped at intermediate to play on the playground, for a little bit. Then we got to go to the reserve and play there. When were finally really to go to Samara house. As we were walking we came along this creepy house with noises coming from it. We all decided to go in it and have a look. We were so scared to open the door. As we open it a man comes out saying, happy Halloween kids. Trick or treat! We didn’t know that it Halloween.
100WC - Week #22 - Samara
It was Halloween and my friends and I were staying at a spooky hotel. We were going to prank everyone that was staying there but on one was here. We started hearing strange noises coming from this one room, it was all closed off.
But that didn’t stop us from going in, as soon as we walked in the door shut behind us. There was someone sitting on a chair singing a lullaby “ twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are?” They got up off their chair and started coming towards us. We screamed and tried to run away but it was hopeless.
The door swung open …….
100WC Week #22 - Addison
The Door
So we were in the shed and we heard a noise behind the door but Dad and Mum said not to go behind the door cause it's dangerous.
We just got the house and the old owners said not to go behind that door well at least one of us listen Linkin not me so I started to approach the door and all of a sudden “MUM DAD” Linkin ran to them and they shouted at me and “ADDISON” oh no i'm screwed well we will never will know unless I open the door and there was nothing but…
Harlan Steiner - 100WC - Week #22
The Medallion
It's 1901 in France, Paris,.....
“Newspaper's come get your Newspaper, ten pence each" yells a young seller boy.
“I’ll take one Paris soir”. he said as he handed some small coins to the boy.
“So why are you buying it anyway?” the boy asks.
“My maman said to me if I get her a newspaper she will let me explore with my friends in the woods. After this he ran back home as fast as his legs would take him he hadn't explored with his friends for ages. He opened the newspaper and there was a medallion in there.......
100WC-Week #22 - Ayden
When I woke up I had this strange feeling that I had to go to the new house in the neighborhood .Where the old grumpy old lady . Who was a fortune teller even though I thought she was a witch with magical powers . When I got there there was a skull sitting on the front with a crystal ball on it when I opened the door she came and she screamed like a witch she said ´´get away my house from my our you shall die ´´ she said then I ran away home . I was terrified in fear I almost peed in my pants .
100WC Week #22 - Bailee
I took a deep breath and pressed the button ‘DING DONG!!! ‘ My heart
is pounding inside my chest.I can barely breath “GO AWAY “ yells my neighbor
is pounding inside my chest.I can barely breath “GO AWAY “ yells my neighbor
“ but I need my ball “. ‘BANG ‘ “ OW!!! “ I howl “go get your ball” yells my
neighbor. I swear his face gets more and more ugly every time I see him
“yes sir “ “ hurry up “ he shouts . I ran into his back yard and grabbed my ball
then ran out of his front gate yelling sorry on the way . Running into my
backyard and started kicking my ball again. “ Mum I need another ball”
neighbor. I swear his face gets more and more ugly every time I see him
“yes sir “ “ hurry up “ he shouts . I ran into his back yard and grabbed my ball
then ran out of his front gate yelling sorry on the way . Running into my
backyard and started kicking my ball again. “ Mum I need another ball”
I was riding my bike on a dirt path but as soon as I turned my head around I saw an old house. I went up to it. There was a doorbell I was about to answer. But I thought what was behind it I think there might be a creature. I don't know why I'm here this is weird. I wonder who lives here it would be my granny if she left her old house. I don’t know if I'm safe here? I think I should go now I’m getting creeped out! Yeb I'm going now. Then I went back too my house and played.
Charlie Vowles - 100WC - Week #22
When I saw this door I was very scared it did not look like a good door. It was all black and I did not go in further. Where I was it was so scary I was thinking to myself why I came here. It was just too scary. I just do not know where to go next .I do not know where the exit I should just go home .But I do not know what way to go should I go that way or that way. I am going to go that way. By the way, I can go home.
100WC - Week #22 - Phoenix
We went back to my old house the door handle was smashed in. We were scared but I heard something in there, it sounded like crying. I pulled the handle, it it was gg my little brother he's big now but where is my friend? But then he’s not my brother he start to laugh and he shoot now bang bang bang we are safe for now but he’s not going to stop so we shoot again and again and again we finally killed him. Hooray we did it...
100WC - Week #22 - Madison
I was in the woods when I saw a wooden path
and it looked like someone had made it. I knew it was a bad idea but I decided
to follow the path anyway. When I got to the end I saw a… well it looked like a
doorbell so I pushed it… and nothing happened. I thought it must be broken so
walked back down the wooden path when I heard someone ( or
something ) say “Come back here,”
I was terrified so I sprinted back home and
told Dad. The next day we went back and it was gone.
100WC - Week #22 - Mia
Knock knock knock, I knock on the door, but no one answers. “Go away! And leave me alone!!” A voice yells from behind the door. “Well i need to come in , because i need to write a story about someone, its my homework!!!” I yell back. “Just tell me your name and I will go!!” I yell.
“Fine my name is Olivia Davidson!!” she yells. I think for a moment, am I safe?? I don't know… “Wait a minute… your my best friend!!” I yell as she opens the door. “ Happy Halloween!!” she says. “Do you like it?” Olivia asks.
“Fine my name is Olivia Davidson!!” she yells. I think for a moment, am I safe?? I don't know… “Wait a minute… your my best friend!!” I yell as she opens the door. “ Happy Halloween!!” she says. “Do you like it?” Olivia asks.
100WC - Week #22 - Carla
One day we were very bored so I said lets go for a road trip’ yes i said? Ok lets go. When we got there we went into the middle of the forest and we sore a big black door and we wandered what was in side of this door I said to mum’ I don't know so we knocked the door and know one answered so we tried again and know one answered again so we had to try to talk to them then. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! oh no run Mum ok lets go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Okay lets go home now okay.
100WC - Week #22 - Milah
It's Halloween and we are going trick or treating. There is a spooky house up ahead and we go to it. There is a big wooden door with a doorbell. I wonder what lies behind that door. My finger goes to press the doorbell.
SWOOSH the door opens. There is a big angry warthog. I don’t feel safe.I run. As fast as I have ever run before.
“Wait!” the warthog says. “I Have candy!” It yells again. I stop.
“Candy?” I say to myself. “CANDY!” I ran back. The warthog winks.
“I got you”
And it pulls me inside.
100WC - Week #22 - Kenneth
There I was, the door in front of me. I push it a bit open, I hear a slight creek. “No one’s here.” I thought. I entered the house, hoping to stay far away from the outdoors wilderness. I looked in a room, all I saw was dust. Until I noticed a painting… But it's me and my family. I exit the room worried. BANG! Someone kicked down the door, I ran into a nearby room and was fortunate enough to find a bed. I decided to hide underneath the bed protecting me from whoever is lurking in this house...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Kate - 100WC - Week #21
Mum come on. We got to meet Emma and Jess at the zoo. When we arrived we heard someone say the giraffe exhibit. when we realized that it was Jess we had found them. But we all heard a voice zoo is closing for the day. The night come the zoo was closed but we were still there. WHAT! The giraffe is turning pink? We started to fall asleep. Sorry. The giraffe sang a song. We went to the lion he was rolling in the dust he was so dusty. Then he bite me it was so painful.
100WC #21 Bailee
Roar!!! Roars a lion “That was loud” shouts my sister “yeah' shouts my Nan loudly.' 'Lion ''yelled my cousin. Right now we’re looking at the giraffes at Hamilton zoo and even though we are about a km away from the lions we can still hear them.” a giraffe” yells my cousin , she is wearing a pink dress.”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” sang my other cousin as if to say don't forget about me ( and trust me it was painful ). My other cousin was wearing a purple dress which somehow had managed to get all dusty we weren't there for long. Isn't she trouble
100WC - Week #21 - Jeremy
Me and my family were going on a family vacation to africa . five days before we boarded the plane we got a free upgrade, we were in business class but now we are in first class, as soon as I got the news I new this was going to be a great flight. 19 hours later we had landed, it sure was good being on the boeing 737. “Wow this place is amazing” I said when I looked out the window and saw a tower which is a name for a group of Giraffes, I mean nobody normally sees a pack of giraffes and an airport. as we went down the street I saw a sign pointing to a dress factory but there were only PINK ones. As we were coming to the hotel I realised its really dusty here, so when we made it I saw a stage just a few blocks away but nah I just went into the hotel.When I was in the shower I got lucky because I got cold water yay I sang in there but I slipped and I hit my back ouch! The rest was really good and we went home after 1 month in africa.
Charlie - 100WC - Week #21
When I went up to a big mountain I saw this massive yellow giraffe. It went right in front of me. It shook the grown. I was on my mountain bike. I was going very fast. My bike was going very fast and a whole lot of dusty dirt came onto my back. It was so weird . I was not having a good day then I was going so fast that falled off my bike. My leg got on stuck in the chain it hurts so much it is painful. Then some people started to sang it was a pink woman. the end.
100WC-week 21 Aiden
Today I was on my way to my friend's house when a duck flew into my car window. “Woah I say” as it sits on the passenger seat quack! quack! Next thing you know a pink car came speeding! Past me and then 3 police cars came speeding! Past me “omg I say”. A really dusty sand storm” I yell then something sang a really painful song that hypnotised me into making me quack like a duck quack! Worst day ever. Once I got there I looked like a duck so he said what happened to you nothing I said.
100WC -Week 21 - Ayden
One day I went to the zoo .I first went to the giraffe enclosure and there was a pink giraffe . Then a lion started to roar .The giraffe started to panic and run around then the giraffe sang a violent and painful noise .The the zookeeper's come rushing in and decided to shut up the lion . then they hop in with the muzzle and started chasing after the lion eventually it started to get dusty till the zookeepers could not see then the the lion pounced on a zookeeper . Now there's a battle and out of nowhere they had caught the lion .
Emily - 100WC - Week #21
One day I was going to the zoo when I got there everything was pink including monkeys,lions. It was crazy but I just keep on going on then I went to the monkey they are not pink at all I think. Next we went to the giraffe pink giraffe. Then it bit me so hard I sang painful and had to go to the hospital and it was very dusty. I had to stay there for two whole weeks. Then when I got out I went back to the zoo and of course I went back to the giraffe and yes it bit me again.
Taisha - 100WC - Week #21
Giraffe Pink Dusty Sang Painful
Lets go to the zoo said mum , can we bring our cousins my sister shouted from the kitchen. Yes we can I will call them right now so I don't forget. So mum called them and they were excited to come. We picked them up from their house. It was good they lived close to the zoo . We walked into the zoo. It was very dusty, maybe a lion ran past . The first thing I saw was a pink Giraffe. It didn't look very sick. The animal paramedics put a painful jab I sang to it to make it happy.
100WC - Week #21 - Phoenix
Me and my friend as u know we have been making friends “wait wait wait!” wote is that over there hay can u zome up ok let me see it is tall it is pink it sang in the it's painful to listen to it a a a pink giraffe i said to it are u a zombie yas i am a zombie my friend said will haft to kill u i said stop don’t shoot him but he's a zombie that dissent mater he's special like us...
Chloe - 100WC - Week #21
Pink giraffe sang amazing at the concert the next day my ears are painful probably from the concert I got out of my house and called dusty. Come here boy good boy sit stay go let do some tranine ok back flip good boy now go up the ladder good boy now let go for a walk ok o there is a dog park lets go there don't case the birds go and make friends with the other dog hay my ears are not sore that is good come dusty I play tag-war with him we got to go home.
100WC - Week #21 - Samara
“I finally get to go to the zoo!” I had been waiting for the moment when I would get to see a giraffe. As we looked for a park I saw two dusty pink buildings, one dustier than the other. When we finally found a park I realized I forgot my hat, it was a really hot and sunny day. We walked inside one of the pink buildings. After hours of walking we finally got to the giraffes. My foot got sore after walking all that way. When the birds sang It made it less painful. When I saw a giraffe for the first time I knew it was destiny.
Ella-100wc- week#21
Once upon a time there was a pink giraffe and it was minding its own business and singing old town road. i'm gonna to take my horse to the old town i'm gonna ride to i cant no more i got the horses in the back. and so on on and on the pink giraffe was singing old town and then a dusty storm was coming oh no she. cried i don't know what to do um um um i am running out of time i am going to just stand hear and the dirt. and the rocks wore flinging.
100WC - Week #21 - Milah
Rumble. Go’s the car on the bumpy track. We are in africa!. Lurking for a big giraffe. It’s so dry out here in the wasteland. All brown and pink.“Ugh, where is a gira-”. Dad covers my mouth and we see a big tall giraffe. “WoW!” I say loudly on accident. The giraffe comes charging after us. Mary just sang lalala, like nothing was happening. It went all dusty from the car going.I banged my stomach on the handle from the was PAINFUL. Suddenly,I hear everyone screaming.“MUM, DAD, MARY, HELP” ”MARY DA-”. I black out.
Mia-100WC-week #21
“Mum! Whats wrong with Dusty?” I ask. Dusty is our dog, we are going to take him to the zoo today. “I don't know! Whats she doing?Is she sick?” Mum asked, “ Dusty looks very painful!” I say. “ Oh well! Time to go to the zoo!” Mum yelled.
When we were at the zoo the first thing we saw was a giraffe, the giraffe sneezed all over dusty! And it was pink snot! Before you knew it, our dog had disappeared! “NO!!” I yell sadly, “I want to go home!!!” I sang. “OK then, get in the car” Mum said.
When we were at the zoo the first thing we saw was a giraffe, the giraffe sneezed all over dusty! And it was pink snot! Before you knew it, our dog had disappeared! “NO!!” I yell sadly, “I want to go home!!!” I sang. “OK then, get in the car” Mum said.
100WC - Week #21 - Kenneth
The past tense was unbearable. I was running out of breath until I found a dusty room. I lay on the ground hoping not to be noticed, I held my breath for so long. I almost turned pink. It was painful. “Here come’s the Bad Man,” Sang the black figure running in the distance. I got out of my little hiding place and explored the zoo. There was a giraffe, I thought hiding in their enclosure would be a good spot. Until I noticed the... droppings. So smelly and disgusting, It was like I was in a legit garbage dump...
100WC Week #21 Jaxon.
Silent School
Silence! Yelled Mr Fraiser. “Ugh” I thought “why do we have to be so qui-” suddenly I got hit in the chest so hard that I got flown across the auditorium. Everyone screamed but I couldn’t feel anything, all I could feel was the throbbing painful wound of were I got hit. I looked up everyone was running out of the auditorium i got up, I looked around and saw a little glowing stone I walked over to it, when I tried to pick it up I felt a ginormous flow of energy surging through my body. I saw my pink giraffe, everything was dusty. I saw myself singing, I think I sang...
Silence! Yelled Mr Fraiser. “Ugh” I thought “why do we have to be so qui-” suddenly I got hit in the chest so hard that I got flown across the auditorium. Everyone screamed but I couldn’t feel anything, all I could feel was the throbbing painful wound of were I got hit. I looked up everyone was running out of the auditorium i got up, I looked around and saw a little glowing stone I walked over to it, when I tried to pick it up I felt a ginormous flow of energy surging through my body. I saw my pink giraffe, everything was dusty. I saw myself singing, I think I sang...
Thursday, February 13, 2020
100WC-Week#20 - Alex
I woke up and I was lying on the floor in the middle of my room well I thought I was. Then I nodded off to sleep then I jolted up I looked around and wondered. Where could I be.Then I realised I was outside then something was in the bushes then I turned around then a cat waddled out and it and it followed me.As we walked home I saw something in the sky it was big and it flew towards I couldn't see what it was then BOOM!!!!!.Poof we disappeared.We had fainted.
100WC - Week#20 - Hannah
I was sitting by a tree, looking at the sky. As it flew towards me I couldn’t see what it was but I knew it was black when I heard a scream I ran away to the scream but…. The black was running after me. Something grabbed my leg and I could not look back. I knew if I look back I will fall. If I fell I the black would get me. I would become part of the black shadow. It’s starting to close in on me.
William-100WC-Week #20
It was September 11 2001 and me and my family were visiting the twin towers for my birthday. “I'm hungry” I told mum. OK you can go get some food she answered. “Can I come '' Jack yelled. “Yes”, “but hang on i'll just get you some money”, mum handed me a 10 dollar note “how come he gets to hold it “ Jack complained.because he wont drop it . as we headed up the escalator I looked out the window I saw something weird looking in the sky as it headed toward us. I couldn't see what it was. Oh no!!.......
Kate - 100WC - Week #20
It started at a desk being asked to go to war. But at the interview I was fiddling around. When I heard the head captain, yell out John come and join us. The Germans, the mean enemy of the Northlands. We go in tomorrow when the ship arrives! John woke up! Quick the ship’s are here. John was placed underground to make sure that everyone was safe. Wait where are they! Johns 2 youngest siblings got court by the Germans! They were taken to a camp where they were to be slaves. Something was flying ,as it flew towards us I couldn’t see what it was. They were saved!
HWC week-20 Jaxon
It was a nice Tuesday morning and i was ready to go to school. I got in the car an mum drove me to school “Bye mum love you!” “love you too bye” I hopped out of the car and walked into school as I was walking into school I saw my friends and ran over to them. “Hey Jaxon.” They said “Hi” I responded we all walked into school then suddenly something started flying at us as it flew towards us I couldn’t figure out what it was... we all spotted it and started running away... “huff huff” “THUMP...”
100WC - Week #20 - Phoenix
Me and my friend were walking down the street. My friend saw something in the sky. as it flew towards us we couldn’t see what it was. so we started shooting it .But it’s eyes were red and feathers were Blue and the feet were green and it had sharp teeth. it came back its mouth was open it is a a a zombie bird we thought it was the end but it was really nice I don't zombies talk i said to the zombie bird they don't talk said the zombie bird how are you talk us zombie birds can talk to people…
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
100WC - week #20 - Carla
As dad woke me up I was like “why have you woken me up for.” “We are going duck shooting’. I was like “ok lets go” When we got to the pond dad said to me “have you seen a duck?” I don't know but as it flew towards us I couldn't see what it was dad was like oh really i was like yes the next minute I saw a duck I said yelled to dad “there is a duck.”” Got it” dad said to me. What do you think that thing was, a bird?
100WC - Week #20 Harlan
Its 8 March 2014 were going on a family holiday to Nicobar
island near India and Malaysia from Australia. We arrived at the airport at
9:33, even though it was late at night it was still busy. We hurried over to
our gate, went through security and were waiting to board our plane at 11:00.
We started our flight at 11:10 at this point. We were all tired and soon fell
asleep. It all went pretty smoothly until one kid said he saw flashing lights
out his window. we ignored him at first but then we all looked like it
was big I quickly realised it was a plane.
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I was in Sydney on my yearly visit. When the sun went down. I was trying to feel my way back to my apartment. When something pulled me bac...
Me, my brother and my parents were driving back into our hometown ‘Morrinsville’ from coming back from the airport after having a holiday in...
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