Monday, February 24, 2020

Jeremy - 100WC - Week #22

I woke up in what looks to be a shed. it just looks like a normal shed, but the door it looks weird, its colored blue and has what seems to be a peep hole in there. BOOM! A loud knock hit the door, I was scared to open it because I was concerned for my own safety, what could I use to protect myself?, then I heard a growl “oh god its a zombie horde how do I get out of here now?” then I spoted a shovel “I might have an idea” as i time a jump they break the door,I bolt for the police station, I made it “looks like everyone evacuated” I said, so I went to the armory to look for guns and sure enough plenty of guns i'm surprised that nobody looted the armory “as
I loot up in a cinematic way”. I see a sign that says Riot gear. “Oh yea its time”in just a few years they were all vaporized with nukes.

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